2022年8月6日 星期六

Drone Pilots



Do you have a drone? Have you ever flown one before? They are l lot of fun.

People can fly drones with the use of a remote control. Drones can also fly themselves using the right computer programs.

Children can fly drones

Drones can take photos or videos.  They can also deliver packages.

◄A drone with a camera
◄A drone carrying a package

The Job of a Drone Pilot

Drone pilots are people who fly drones. They fly drones in cities and rural areas. Many drone pilots spend a lot of time flying their drones outside. They travel to exciting and beautiful places.

◄Flying a drone in a park

If spending time outside does not interest you, there are a lot of other drone pilots who rarely leave their offices.

◄Looking at pictures taken by a drone

◄ Operating a drone from an office

Drones That Help People

In cities, drone pilots work for many different companies including builders and city governments. Builders get drone pilots to map the land they want to build on. They also use drones to monitor big projects such as the building of skyscrapers.

◄What a drone sees from high above a city

◄A drone by a building project

◄A skyscraper

More and more city governments are beginning to work with drone pilots. These pilots monitor floods and other natural disasters.

◄A drone searching in a national park

Drone pilots are also beginning to work with firefighters, police forces, and lifeguards. During a fire, drones can check for danger before firefighters go in. In the future, drone pilots may give out traffic tickets and do other police work.

◄A building on fire

◄Police drones in action

Lifeguards use drone pilots in difficult rescue situations. There is a drone that can fly above the water and help a drowning person.

◄A lifeguard drone

◄Controlling a lifeguard drone

Drones That Explore and Do Research

Drone pilots work in rural areas as well. They can work for farmers, animal and nature projects, search and rescue teams, and explorers.

◄Using a drone camera to view land
High Yield
Medium Yield
Low Yield

Drone pilots can help farmers in many ways. Drones can be used to monitor the soil, plant seeds, and tell farmers when the crops are ready. Drones can also be used to keep track of animals and make sure they are healthy.

◄Watching animals with a drone

◄A farmer with a drone

Animal and nature projects can work with drone pilots to monitor wild animals and forests. Drone pilots can help protect animals and natural places. They can call the police as a crime is happening. Drone pilots can stop people from killing animals or cutting down trees on protected lands.
◄The view of nature from a drone camera

Drone pilots are also helpful to search and rescue teams. Drones can help find people who are lost. They can fly into dangerous places. They can even deliver ropes, water, food, and medicine to people in danger.
◄A drone with a first aid kit

◄Searching with a drone▸

The army also has many uses for drone pilots. Drones can take aerial photographs and videos before soldiers go into dangerous places. There are also larger drones that carry weapons.

◄A military drone pilot

◄Soldiers working with a drone

A drone explorer is a person whose job is to use drones to travel to unknown places. People work with drone explorers to make maps, extreme films, and more. Drones can fly into unknown places and use computer programs to make maps.
◄A drone's view of a waterfall

◄A map made with a drone's help

Drones are often used in extreme films. They can fly into interesting and hard-to-reach places. For example, drones can fly over volcanoes and through small spaces such as caves.

◄A drone's view from inside a cave

◄A drone's view of a volcano

Drone explorers have even worked with archaeologists. They fly drones with special cameras over the earth to figure out where to dig. Drone explores travel all over the world for their jobs.
◄An archaeologist

How to Become a Drone Pilot
Anyone can buy a drone and learn to fly it. It is a fun hobby. Some middle schools and high schools even have basic drone courses or drone clubs. However, working as a drone pilot as a job is more difficult. People need to complete courses and know all the drone laws. There are, for example, places where it is against the law to fly drones.

◄Flying a drone as a hobby

Universities and private companies offer drone pilot courses. But these courses are not like classes for flying planes. Drone pilots do not need to take the same courses as aircraft pilots.

◄A pilot 

Some drone courses only teach people who wish to fly drones with remote controls. Other courses teach computer skills for people who wish to pilot drones that fly themselves. There are also coding courses for people who wish to program drones that fly themselves.
◄Doing drone research

Drone pilots may also need to complete photo and video courses. In addition to flying drones, drone pilots often edit their own photographs and videos.

◄Editing photos and videos on a computers

◄Learning about photography 

People who want to become drone pilots need to think about the work they wish to do with drones. Usually, a person who wants to work as a drone pilot will study two fields. For example, drone pilots who work on farms need to study farming or science in addition to their normal drone courses.
◄Learning about plants

Drone pilots also have to complete continuing education courses. Technology is always improving and changing. Drone pilots have to grow and change with the technology they use.

◄Working with a new kind of drone

◄Learning new technology

In the future, there will be even more job opportunities for drone pilots. Do you think you would like to become a drone pilot? It might be the perfect job for you!
◄Drones at work




  I   know   they   don't ,"  said  Harry. " It   was   only   a   dream ." But   he   wished   he   hadn't   said   ...