2022年8月21日 星期日


 0101 1 apple * I want a hamburger and an apple pie for lunch. 

2 banana * My sister has ordered a sponge cake flavored with bananas.

3 berry * This jam is made of several kinds of berries.

4 coconut * It is an enjoyment to drink a glass of iced coconut juice in summer.

5 core * Remove the core of the fruit with a knife carefully.

6 fruit * Mangoes are tropical fruit.

7 grape * She ate a bunch of grapes for breakfast.

8 grapefruit * Do you like a glass of grapefruit juice? 

9 guava * I prefer guavas to persimmons. 

10 lemon * The bakery is known for its lemon pie.

11 lime * The baker adds a few drops of lime juice in the dough.

12 mango * We pick mangoes in Uncle Danny's yard every summer. 

13 melon * Among all fruit, I like melons the best.

14 orange * Is there any orange juice in the jug? 

15 papaya * Papaya is my least favorite fruit.

16 peach * I prefer peaches to plums.

17 pear * Pears are now in season.

18 pineapple * This pie is made of pineapples.

19 plum * Plums taste sweet and sour.

20 ripe * You should choose ripe, but firm fruit.

21 strawberry * My colleague gave me a jar of homemade strawberry jam. 

22 tangerine * Stacy put the tangerines in a shallow dish.

23 watermelon * Would you like another slice of watermelon? 

0102 1 airtight * The crackers should be stored in an airtight jug.

2 biscuit * Please help yourself to the biscuits.

3 cake * This restaurant serves excellent cakes. 

4 candy * We brought a box of candies to the orphan home.

5 chip * He ate two bags of chips when watching TV this afternoon.

6 chocolate * Lillian is not fond of chocolate.

7 cone * I want two scoops of ice cream on a cone.

8 cookie * We had black tea and cookies for afternoon tea.

9 cracker * She bought a box of crackers from a grocery store.

10 dessert * Who cares for a dessert?

11 doughnut * There are many doughnuts on the shelf.

12 jam * She is not a big fan of jam.

13 jelly * Today's dessert is my favorite jelly.

14 lollipop * Most children love lollipops.

15 pancake * Can I have a piece of pancake?

16 pastry * I cannot eat any more pastry; I'm full-up.

17 popcorn * Don't eat too much popcorn.

18 pudding * The bakery is known for its pudding.

19 raisin * Lily likes to eat salted raisins.

20 snack * He ate too many sugary snacks between meals.

21 tart * For breakfast, Deborah had only a slice of tart.

0103 1 alcohol * Ian neither smokes cigarettes nor drinks alcohol.

2 bar * Shall we meet in the bar next to the restaurant later?

3 barrel * The wine is aged for two years in oak barrels.

4 beer * Would you like a cold beer?

5 beverage * Several different kinds of beverages are served in the party.

6 brew * The bottle of vinegar is brewed from kiwis. 

7 café * Do you want to go to the new café at the corner?

8 caffeine * Too much caffeine made me dizzy.

9 champagne * We need two dozen champagne for the party next Saturday.

10 cocktail * May I buy you a glass of cocktail?

11 coffee * I want a cup of coffee to go.

12 cola/Coke * Someone drank my cola.

13 cordial * This kind of juice is a cordial drink.

14 cork * The cork of this bottle of wine is rotten.

15 cup * Please get a clean cup from the cupboard for me.

16 drink * Monica likes to drink milk every morning.

17 drunk * The tourist was drunk in the beer festival last night.

18 glass * The child swallowed the pill with a glass of juice.

19 juice * She poured ice and orange juice into a big mug.

20 lemonade * Two lemonades and a hot coffee, please.

21 liquor * My mom doesn't allow me to drink liquors.

22 milk * He likes a bottle of milk.

23 refreshment * Would you like some refreshments?

24 soda * Drinking so much soda is bad for your teeth.

25 tavern * We celebrated her birthday in that tavern last night.

26 tea * Would you like a cup of tea? 

27 whiskey/whisky * He drank two tumblers of whiskey.

28 wine * Ian gave us a bottle of white wine as a gift.

29 yogurt * Yogurt is made by adding bacteria to milk.

0104 1 almond * It is healthy to eat some nuts every day such as almonds, walnuts and peanuts.

2 bean * We planted a lot of red beans in our garden.

3 cabbage * She cannot tell the difference between a cabbage and a lettuce.

4 carrot * Carrots and potatoes are grown under the ground.

5 celery * Do not put celery in my salad because I hate its taste.

6 corn * There isn't any corn soup in the bowl.

7 cucumber * This sauce tastes of cucumber.

8 kernel * The kernel inside a nut is edible.

9 lettuce * Have you tried the lettuce?

10 mushroom * How can we call it mushroom pork chop without mushroom sauce?

11 nut * It is good for your health to eat a handful of nuts every day.

12 onion * They ordered fried chicken and onion rings to go.

13 pea * Boil the peas and then add garlic and lemon juice.

14 peanut * Please butter my bread with peanut butter.

15 potato * Would you like another potato?

16 pumpkin * Does anyone want some more pumpkin pie?

17 radish * There are a lot of radishes in the basket.

18 soybean * Soybeans are very nutritious.

19 spinach * Either you eat your spinach or you go without ice-cream.

20 sweet potato * My mom has various sweet potato recipes from breads to sweet potato pie.

21 tofu * Jane dished the tofu into a white bowl.

22 tomato * Cut the tomatoes and the mushrooms into quarters.

23 vegetable * We should include plenty of fresh vegetables in our everyday diet.

24 vegetarian * The French restaurant provides a special menu for vegetarians.

25 walnut * Put some chopped walnuts on top of the cake.

0105 1 bacon * Johnson wants a sandwich with bacon and eggs.

2 beef * She doesn't eat beef out of religious issue.

3 bread * Mom bought two loaves of bread from her favorite bakery.

4 broth * A bowl of broth was served as the first dish.

5 bun * I had three buns for breakfast.

6 butter * Could you butter these pieces of bread?

7 can * She made these sandwiches with a can of tuna.

8 cereal * I had a bowl of cereal this morning.

9 cheese * There are many kinds of cheese at the dairy

10 chicken * The chicken stew is delicious.

11 cocoa * Ivory Coast in Africa is the world's leading cocoa producer.

12 cream * Please put some cream in my coffee.

13 cuisine * The cuisine of Japan is popular here.

14 dumpling * You can steam or boil some dumplings for dinner.

15 egg * Please give me two dozen eggs.

16 foil * My mom wrapped those cookies in tin foil to keep them fresh.

17 food * We cannot survive for long without food.

18 GMO / genetically modified organism * Tony hates genetically modified organism.

19 gum * The import of gum is forbidden in Singapore.

20 ham * I want a sandwich with ham and cheese.

21 hamburger * I want a sandwich with ham and cheese.

22 honey * Is there any honey in the hive?

23 ice * I'd like some ice in my soda.

24 junk * Don't eat those junk food. They are bad for health.

25 loaf * I want a loaf of bread to go.

26 lobster * The price of lobsters is cheaper this year. 

27 mayonnaise * A spoonful of mayonnaise has lots of calories.

28 meat * I prefer vegetables to meat.

29 mutton * The cook spiced the mutton with mint.

30 noodle * Drop the noodles into boiled water for five minutes.

31 oatmeal * We ate oatmeal and milk for breakfast.

32 oyster * Chill the raw oysters before serving them. 

33 pasta * What type of pasta would you prefer to eat?

34 pie * I would like to have an apple pie and a cup of coffee.

35 pizza * Pizza tastes better when you add some cheese powder on it.

36 pork * Which does he like, pork or chicken?

37 rib * The barbecued spare-ribs taste delicious with mint sauce.

38 rice * She wants rice for lunch rather than noodles.

39 rot * The fish will rot quickly under a hot weather like this.

40 rotten * If you eat rotten food, you might get sick.

41 salad * There is too much dressing in the salad.

42 salmon * The starter of the nice dinner was smoked salmon.

43 sandwich * We made our own sandwiches for the picnic.

44 sausage * Put the sausages and corns on the grill.

45 soup * I don't like spring onion in my soup.

46 spaghetti * Nicole ate a dish of spaghetti for supper.

47 stale * I think the fish is stale. It smells.

48 steak * How would you like your steak done? 

49 supper * Would you like to stay and have supper?

50 swallow * The boy took a bite of the hot dog, chewed and swallowed.

51 syrup * We had some pancakes with syrup. 

52 taste * The chocolate tastes bitter.

53 tasty * Although it is tasty. ice cream is high in fat. 

54 toast * Please butter a piece of toast for her. 

55 tuna * I want a tuna sandwich to go. 

56 turkey * We always have turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner.

57 yolk * Only the egg yolk contains cholesterol.

0106 1 bake * My niece often uses the oven to bake cookies.

2 bitter * It tastes rather bitter.

3 boil * Boil the water and then you can see the steam.

4 broil * Ben is broiling the fish he caught from the pond in the kitchen.

5 carve * Kevin began to carve the pork roll into slices.

6 chili * How much chili did you put in the dish? 

7 cook * She will cook dinner for you tonight.

8 crisp/crispy * I love eating crisp fried onions.

9 crunchy * Let's make a salad with these fresh, crunchy vegetables.

10 curry * I ate too much curry yesterday.

11 delicious * There are many delicious snacks in night markets. 

12 dough * Roll out the dough into a large square.

13 dressing * Stir the ingredients for the salad dressing in a bowl.

14 flavor * What flavor of ice cream would you like?

15 flour * The price of flour has been raised by 20% during this month.

16 fry * Fry the chicken nuggets until golden brown.

17 garlic * It is good for your body to eat some garlic every day.

18 ginger * I love the flavor of ginger very much.

19 grease * The smell of bacon grease filled the dining room.

20 grill * Grill the steak for 10 minutes each side.

21 grind * Grind some peppercorns until they become fine powder.

22 heat * Heat the milk until it is boiling.

23 ingredient * Couch The chef mixed the remaining ingredients in a bowl.

24 ketchup * Can you get me a bottle of ketchup from the grocery store? 

25 mint * Mint-flavored gum keeps me awake.

26 mustard * She likes mustard better than ketchup.

27 oil * Add a few drops of olive oil in the salad.

28 overdo * The steak was overdone and salad was disappointing.

29 peel * The maid walked into the kitchen and began peeling potatoes. 

30 pepper * Please pass me the pepper.

31 pickle * My mom made her own pickles

32 poach * She had a light breakfast of poached eggs and milk.

33 raw * The most popular dish in the buffet is made of raw oysters.

34 recipe * Could I have your recipe for oatmeal cookies? 

35 roast * Do you like the chicken be roasted whole or in pieces? 

36 salt * It would be too salty if you add that much salt.

37 salty * I think this dish is kind of too salty for my taste.

38 sauce * I would like two scoops of strawberry ice cream with chocolate sauce.

39 simmer * Turn the heat down a little bit to simmer the soup.

40 sour * The stewed pineapple tastes sour even with sugar.

41 spice * Angela has a row of spice jars in her kitchen.

42 spicy * Thai food is too spicy for me.

43 starch * Don't eat too much starch if you are on a diet.

44 steam * Steam the potatoes until they begin to be tender.

45 stew * Stew the pineapples to make a thick pulp.

46 stuff * The chef stuffed the chicken belly with chestnuts.

47 sugar * I want two teaspoons of sugar in my tea.

48 sweet * The milk tea is much too sweet.

49 vanilla * Almost everyone likes the flavor of vanilla.

50 vinegar * Helena flavored the fish with sugar and vinegar.

51 yeast * Yeast can be used in making yoghurt and steamed buns.

0107 1 appetite * Appropriate exercise can give you good appetite.

2 batch * The first batch of bread was better than the second.

3 bowl * My daughter broke a bowl this morning.

4 breakfast * What do you want for breakfast? 

5 brunch * I got up late this morning and had a brunch in the coffee shop.

6 buffet * This hotel is famous for its buffet.

7 cafeteria * We usually eat lunch in the cafeteria downstairs.

8 cater * The restaurant can cater for receptions of up to 100 guests.

9 chunk * Bryan ate a big chunk of steak in three minutes.

10 cluster * There is a cluster of cherries on the table. 

11 crumb * The waiter brushed the crumbs from the table.

12 devour * The hungry dog devoured the whole hot dog.

13 digest * The baby cannot digest solid food yet.

14 digestion * This spicy food is bad for your digestion.

15 dine * Sam dines alone most nights.

16 dinner * Let's eat dinner together.

17 dip * Dip two tea bags into a pot of hot water for 5 minutes.

18 dish * The dishes are on sale today.

19 dissolve * Heat gently until the sugar dissolves in the water. 

20 eat * When did you eat your lunch? 

21 edible * Those wild berries are edible.

22 feed * My sister feeds her cat twice a day. 

23 glassware * Well-designed glassware can make wine-tasting experience more pleasant.

24 greasy * Eating too much greasy food is not healthy.

25 juicy * The watermelon is juicy and delicious.

26 layer * This cake has three layers, and each layer has fresh fruit in it.

27 lump * How many lumps of sugar do you want in your coffee?

28 lunch * She did not enjoy business lunches.

29 meal * Stacy usually has an evening meal with her family on Sundays.

30 mellow * He drank three glasses of mellow wine at the party.

31 menu * The cafeteria changes its menu every month.

32 mouth * The boy's mouth was full of peanuts when I saw him. 

33 nibble * The girl started to nibble a piece of pizza.

34 nourish * The food a mother eats nourishes both her and the baby.

35 nourishment * To keep healthy, we should take nourishment from natural food.

36 preserve * Salt and spices help to preserve meat.

37 restaurant * We celebrated May's birthday in an Italian restaurant.

38 scoop * The set meal comes with coffee and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

39 serving * Each serving contains 500 calories.

40 slice * Mary is having a slice of bread.

41 spoon * Maggie stirred her coffee with a spoon.

42 stool * Levi sat on a bar stool and drank beer.

43 yummy * That Turkish restaurant has yummy ice cream.

0201 1 action * To fight for freedom is a brave action.

2 activity * Swimming is a very healthy activity.

3 bell * All the church bells were ringing when the wedding ceremony began at 8a.m.

4 bench * The old couple was sitting on the bench and watching sunset together. 

5 bill * I need the money or I cannot afford to pay these bills.

6 briefcase * My colleague forgot to bring the briefcase with him when he left the hotel lobby.

7 bucket * Would you help to draw water in this bucket from the well outside?

8 buckle * Please buckle your seat belt from now on.

9 candle * I can't find the candle anywhere in the living room. 

10 cane * The man carrying a cane is Professor Kim. 

11 cardboard * The boy stored his baseball cards in a cardboard box.

12 carton * Remember to buy a two-pint carton of milk from the supermarket.

13 clamp * It is illegal to unlock the wheel clamps by yourself. 

14 clip * Diana took the clip out of her hair.

15 cord * Carl tied the pile of newspapers with a plastic cord.

16 disposable * Parents nowadays usually use disposable diapers for their babies.

17 dryer * You can use the dryer to dry your wet clothes.

18 durable * The furniture brand is renowned for its durable drawers.

19 erase * The student erased the whiteboard after class.

20 eraser * May I borrow your eraser? 

21 fabric * The piece of white cotton fabric matches your skirt.

22 faucet * He turned on the faucet to wash his hands.

23 flag * Every taxi carried a small national flag on that day.

24 flashlight * I put the flashlight in the right-hand drawer.

25 foam * The meadow was covered with foam.

26 gas * We have run out of gas a week ago.

27 glasses * I cannot find my glasses anywhere in my bedroom.

28 glue * Could you help me glue the broken plate?

29 handle * Does your son handle this issue for you?

30 holder * My aunt gave me a pair of copper candle holders.

31 hygiene * It is healthy to be extra careful about personal hygiene in summer.

32 ink * My printer is running out of ink.

33 instance * In this instance, you should call the police first.

34 key * Sara took a large ring of keys from her backpack.

35 knob * Joe opened the door by turning the knob clockwise.

36 ladder * If you need to climb up, use a sturdy ladder. 

37 lantern * The Taiwan Lantern Festival is an annual event.

38 LCD * He finally decided to buy a new LCD screen.

39 lens * The lens of my camera was broken last night.

40 lid * I bought a casserole with a transparent lid.

41 life * Harry had a hard life when he was young.

42 light * Turn on the lights when you read.

43 lock * Madeline forgot to lock the front door when she left home this morning.

44 magnet * The magnet attracts many paper clips.

45 magnetic * The magnetic needle on the compass points south.

46 manual * Making small dollhouses requires manual skill.

47 nap * All I want to do now is taking a nap.

48 note * John always takes notes in class. 

49 notebook * Amber keeps a diary in a notebook.

50 ornament * Iris used beautiful ornaments to decorate her house.

51 outfit * He was wearing a fence outfit he had bought the previous day.

52 overnight * We have reserved overnight accommodation for tonight.

53 pack * Please remember to pack me a toothbrush.

54 pad * That potted plant needs a pad under it.

55 paper * I will make breakfast and you read the paper.

56 pen * May I borrow your pen? 

57 pipe * Grandpa tamped a wad of tobacco into his pipe.

58 pocketbook * I left my pocketbook behind.

59 powder * What is the powder in the sack? 

60 rack * This box was too big for the luggage rack.

61 reservation * We have made a reservation for a table at the restaurant.

62 reserve * The room with a large balcony had been reserved for a special guest.

63 restroom * Would you tell me where the restroom is?

64 sack * The farmer put the carrots in a big sack.

65 service * The restaurant is noted for its fine service.

66 setting * The settings on the stage were marvelous.

67 smoke * Some smoke came out of the chimney in the evening.

68 wreath * Janice is making a wreath with fresh flowers.

69 sponge * She wiped off the ink stain on the desk with a sponge.

70 stake * Dad put up a stake to support the young lemon tree.

71 staple * Are there any No. 10 staples in the drawer?

72 stapler * May I borrow your stapler?

73 stationery * That bookstore also sells stationery on its 2nd floor.

74 stick * We stuck up posters all around the city advertising our stage play.

75 switch * Please turn off the switch when you leave the room.

76 tack * The postman tacked a notice to my door.

77 tap * Doris tapped on his bedroom door and went in.

78 tissue * Can you give me a piece of tissue to blow my nose?

79 trash * Sara and I took out the trash after dinner.

80 tray * The waiter brought us a pitcher of lemonade on a tray.

81 umbrella * I left my umbrella on the MRT again.

0202 1 access * No one can access the confidential file without the password.

2 AI / artificial intelligence * Artificial intelligence is concerned with making machines work in the way similar to human mind.

3 application * Angry Birds is still one of the most popular smartphone applications.

4 boot * You can boot the computer by pushing the button on this side.

5 browse * I will browse the Internet and find the information you need.

6 byte * There is two million bytes of data in the hard disk.

7 click * The window opened with a click from the mouse.

8 code * Each person has a code on this computer.

9 compatible * The disc is not compatible to the CD player.

10 compile * The computer program is under compiling now.

11 computer * Dad will buy me a computer if I do well in the exam. 

12 computerize * He is trying to computerize all the collected data.

13 crash * My notebook crashed twice this morning.

14 data * Please collect the data from all the employees.

15 disk / disc * The file takes up 10 megabytes of disk space.

16 document * Please send me the documents as soon as possible.

17 download * Customers can download the driver from their website.

18 drag * You can also use the touch pad to drag the file into a folder.

19 DVD / digital video disk * I bought a new DVD player at the computer exhibition.

20 electronic * This lab is full of expensive electronic equipment.

21 electronics * Walter is studying electronics at college.

22 enter * When the window shows up, enter your password.

23 file * Please put the file of that project into the public folder.

24 flash * The flash memory in the computer can store the data temporarily.

25 function * The main function of this computer system is to organize all the information.

26 hack * Someone hacked into the computer system of our school last Saturday.

27 hacker * The computer hacker broke into the system and demanded money.

28 hardware * The man who spoke is a hardware engineer.

29 input * Input your answers in the column.

30 install * May I install the software on your computer?

31 Internet * Jerry likes to surf the Internet.

32 link * You can link Internet documents through the server. 

33 minimize * The new software can minimize the storage space of such files.

34 password * You need a correct password to use the computer.

35 paste * The “paste” icon is on the top left-hand corner of the window.

36 PDA * I have recorded the manager's schedule in my PDA.

37 portable * One of the exhibits is a portable tablet personal computer.




  I   know   they   don't ,"  said  Harry. " It   was   only   a   dream ." But   he   wished   he   hadn't   said   ...