2017年4月23日 星期日

2 時人 20170420 富豪拒留財產給子女

Sugar-free daddies: the celebrities who won't pass their fortunes to their children
中國日報/Telegraph 2017-04-17
According to an interview with the Telegraph lately, Gordon Ramsay's three children won't be sharing much in the chef's $54m wealth once he's gone.
"It's definitely not going to them, and that's not in a mean way; it's to not spoil them," he explained.
The remark sparked headlines around the world, but Ramsay isn't the only celebrity multi-millionaire to have elected against leaving a pile of cash to his progeny.
If you're thinking of finding a rich celebrity to adopt you, avoid this lot…
Simon Cowell 西蒙•考威爾
“I don't believe in passing on from one generation to another," Cowell once said. “Your legacy has to be that hopefully you gave enough people an opportunity, so that they could do well, and you gave them your time, taught them what you know.”
The pint-sized pop despot reportedly has a fortune in excess of £300m. But will lookalike son Eric see any of that sweet, sweet talent show moolah? Will he heck.
"I'm going to leave my money to somebody," he told Esquire . "A charity, probably kids and dogs."
Jackie Chan 成龍
For punching people really fast and kicking them in the head and jumping off stuff, Jackie Chan has built a fortune of around $130m.
His son, Jaycee, must feel pretty secure in his future then, yes?
“If he is capable, he can make his own money. If he is not, then he will just be wasting my money," says Jackie, who plans to leave the lot to charity.
Warren Buffett 沃倫•巴菲特
The perfect amount to leave your children, billionaire Warren Buffet famously said in the 80s, is "enough money so that they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing."
He's reportedly doing just that, leaving a small amount of his $70bn wealth to his three grown-up children. The rest will go to charity.
Bill Gates 比爾•蓋茨
Like fellow super-rich philanthropist Warren Buffet, Bill Gates is not going to be giving his £70bn fortune to his offspring. Or not all of it, anyway.
"Our kids will receive a great education and some money so they are never going to be poorly off but they'll go out and have their own career," he told Holly Willoughby last year.
"It's not a favour to kids to have them have huge sums of wealth. It distorts anything they might do, creating their own path. 
"This money is dedicated to helping the poorest. They know that, they are proud of that, they go on trips with us and see the work that's being done."
The kids are apparently fine with it. All depends what he means by "poorly off"...
Mickey Rooney 米基•魯尼
Despite 80 years in showbusiness, Mickey Rooney reportedly had less than $30,000 to leave when he died in 2014. 
His will disinherited all eight of his surviving children, all of whom were said to be wealthier than their father. Instead, the money was left to his stepson and carer before his death, Mark. 
According to an interview with the Telegraph lately, Gordon Ramsay's three children won't be sharing much in the chef's $54m wealth once he's gone.
"It's definitely not going to them, and that's not in a mean way; it's to not spoil them," he explained.
The remark sparked headlines around the world, but Ramsay isn't the only celebrity multi-millionaire to have elected against leaving a pile of cash to his progeny.
If you're thinking of finding a rich celebrity to adopt you, avoid this lot
Simon Cowell 西蒙•考威爾
I don't believe in passing on from one generation to another," Cowell once said. Your legacy has to be that hopefully you gave enough people an opportunity, so that they could do well, and you gave them your time, taught them what you know.
The pint-sized pop despot reportedly has a fortune in excess of £300m. But will lookalike son Eric see any of that sweet, sweet talent show moolah? Will he heck.
"I'm going to leave my money to somebody," he told Esquire . "A charity, probably kids and dogs."
Jackie Chan 成龍
For punching people really fast and kicking them in the head and jumping off stuff, Jackie Chan has built a fortune of around $130m.
His son, Jaycee, must feel pretty secure in his future then, yes?
If he is capable, he can make his own money. If he is not, then he will just be wasting my money," says Jackie, who plans to leave the lot to charity.
Warren Buffett 沃倫•巴菲特
The perfect amount to leave your children, billionaire Warren Buffet famously said in the 80s, is "enough money so that they would feel they could do anything, but not so much that they could do nothing."
He's reportedly doing just that, leaving a small amount of his $70bn wealth to his three grown-up children. The rest will go to charity.
Bill Gates 比爾•蓋茨
Like fellow super-rich philanthropist Warren Buffet, Bill Gates is not going to be giving his £70bn fortune to his offspring. Or not all of it, anyway.
"Our kids will receive a great education and some money so they are never going to be [1]poorly off but they'll go out and have their own career," he told Holly Willoughby last year.
"It's not a favour to kids to have them have huge sums of wealth. It distorts anything they might do, creating their own path.
"This money is dedicated to helping the poorest. They know that, they are proud of that, they go on trips with us and see the work that's being done."
The kids are apparently fine with it. All depends what he means by "poorly off"...
Mickey Rooney 米基•魯尼
Despite 80 years in showbusiness, Mickey Rooney reportedly had less than $30,000 to leave when he died in 2014.
His will [2]disinherited all eight of his surviving children, all of whom were said to be wealthier than their father. Instead, the money was left to his stepson and carer before his death, Mark.

Sugar-free daddiesthe celebrities who won't pass their fortunes to their children
中國日報/DailyMail 2017-04-17 


According to an interview with the Telegraph lately, Gordon Ramsay's three children won't be sharing much in the chef's $54m wealth once he's gone
"It's definitely not going to themand that's not in a mean wayit's to not spoil them," he explained
The remark sparked headlines around the worldbut Ramsay isn't the only celebrity multi-millionaire to have elected againstleaving a pile of cash to his progeny. 
If you're thinking of finding a rich celebrity to adopt youavoid this lot… 
Simon Cowell 西蒙•考威爾

I don't believe in passing on from one generation to another," Cowell once said. “Your legacy has to be that hopefully yougave enough people an opportunityso that they could do welland you gave them your timetaught them what you know.” 
The pint-sized pop despot reportedly has a fortune in excess of £300m. But will lookalike son Eric see any of that sweetsweet talent show moolah? Will he heck. 
"I'm going to leave my money to somebody," he told Esquire . "A charityprobably kids and dogs." 
Jackie Chan 成龍

For punching people really fast and kicking them in the head and jumping off stuff, Jackie Chan has built a fortune of around $130m. 
His son, Jaycee, must feel pretty secure in his future thenyes
If he is capablehe can make his own moneyIf he is notthen he will just be wasting my money," says Jackie, who plans toleave the lot to charity
Warren Buffett 沃倫•巴菲特

The perfect amount to leave your children, billionaire Warren Buffet famously said in the 80s, is "enough money so that theywould feel they could do anythingbut not so much that they could do nothing." 
He's reportedly doing just thatleaving a small amount of his $70bn wealth to his three grown-up childrenThe rest will go tocharity
Bill Gates 比爾•蓋茨

Like fellow super-rich philanthropist Warren BuffetBill Gates is not going to be giving his £70bn fortune to his offspringOrnot all of itanyway
"Our kids will receive a great education and some money so they are never going to be poorly off but they'll go out and havetheir own career," he told Holly Willoughby last year
"It's not a favour to kids to have them have huge sums of wealthIt distorts anything they might docreating their own path
"This money is dedicated to helping the poorestThey know thatthey are proud of thatthey go on trips with us and see thework that's being done." 
The kids are apparently fine with itAll depends what he means by "poorly off"... 
Mickey Rooney 米基•魯尼

Despite 80 years in showbusiness, Mickey Rooney reportedly had less than $30,000 to leave when he died in 2014. 
His will disinherited all eight of his surviving childrenall of whom were said to be wealthier than their fatherInsteadthemoney was left to his stepson and carer before his deathMark

Word Category Definition
1 according 第六級 accord((與...)一致;調解) 的現在分詞
2 adopt 第三級 [動詞] 採納;收養;接受
3 amount 第二級 [動詞] 合計,共計; [名詞] 總數
4 anyway 第二級 [副詞] 不管怎樣
5 apparently 第三級 apparent(明顯的,顯而易見的) 的衍生的副詞; [副詞] 顯然地
6 avoid 第二級 [動詞] 避免
7 being 第三級 be(是;要;有;在) 的現在分詞; [名詞] 存在;生存;生命;本質
8 bill 第二級 [動詞] 記入帳; [名詞] 帳單; 鈔票
9 buffet 第三級 [名詞] 自助餐
10 capable 第三級 [形容詞] 有...的能力
11 career 第四級 [名詞] 職業;生涯;歷程
12 cash 第二級 [動詞] 兌現; [名詞] 現款
13 celebrities 第五級 celebrity(名人;名流) 的複數
14 celebrity 第五級 [名詞] 名人;名流
15 charity 第四級 [名詞] 施捨;善舉
16 chef 第五級 [名詞] (餐館等的)主廚;大師傅
17 creating 第二級 create(創造) 的現在分詞
18 dedicated 第六級 [形容詞] 專注的;獻身的; dedicate(奉獻;獻身於;舉行落成典禮) 的過去式及過去分詞
19 definitely 第四級 definite(明確的,確切的) 的衍生的副詞; [副詞] 明確地;明顯地
20 depends 第二級 depend(依賴) 的第三人稱單數現在式
21 despite 第四級 [介系詞] 不管,儘管,任憑
22 distorts 第六級 distort(扭曲;曲解;變形) 的第三人稱單數現在式
23 education 第二級 [名詞] 教育
24 elected 第二級 elect(選出) 的過去式及過去分詞
25 excess 第五級 [形容詞] 過量的;額外的; [名詞] 超越;過量
26 explained 第二級 explain(解釋) 的過去式及過去分詞
27 famously 第二級 famous(著名的) 的衍生的副詞
28 fellow 第二級 [形容詞] 同事的;同類的; [名詞] 伙伴;同事
29 fortune 第三級 [名詞] 財產,財富;巨款
30 fortunes 第三級 fortune(財產,財富;巨款) 的複數
31 future 第二級 [形容詞] 未來的,將來的;將來(時)的; [名詞] 未來
32 gates 第二級 gate(柵門;登機門) 的複數
33 generation 第四級 [名詞] 世代;產生
34 headlines 第三級 headline(給...加標題) 的第三人稱單數現在式; headline((報紙等的)標題) 的複數
35 instead 第三級 [副詞] 反而,卻
36 interview 第二級 [動詞] 面談;採訪; [名詞] 面談;採訪
37 lately 第四級 late(晚的;遲的) 的衍生的副詞; [副詞] 近來,最近;不久前
38 mark 第二級 [動詞] 做記號; [名詞] 記號
39 means 第二級 mean(意指) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] 手段,方法;工具;收入
40 might 第三級 may(可能) 的過去式; [助動詞] may的過去式; [名詞] 力量,威力
41 millionaire 第三級 [名詞] 百萬富翁
42 offspring 第六級 [名詞] 子女;子孫;後代; offspring(子女;子孫;後代) 的複數
43 opportunity 第三級 [名詞] 機會;良機
44 path 第二級 [名詞] 小徑;路線
45 perfect 第二級 [形容詞] 完美的; [動詞] 使完美;做完; [名詞] (動詞的)完成式
46 pile 第二級 [動詞] 堆起; [名詞] 一堆
47 pint 第三級 [名詞] 品脫(英美容量或液量名)
48 pop 第三級 [形容詞] 通俗的,流行的; [動詞] 發出砰(或啪)的響聲; [副詞] 突然地; [名詞] 砰的一聲
49 probably 第三級 probable(很可能發生的) 的衍生的副詞; [副詞] 可能地
50 proud 第二級 [形容詞] 感光榮的;驕傲的
51 punching 第三級 punch(用拳猛擊) 的現在分詞
52 remark 第四級 [動詞] 議論;評論; [名詞] 言辭;談論,評論
53 secure 第五級 [形容詞] 安全的牢固的; [動詞] 把...弄牢;關緊
54 sharing 第二級 share(分享) 的現在分詞
55 somebody 第二級 [名詞] 某人;有名氣的人; [代名詞] 某人
56 sparked 第四級 spark(發動;點燃) 的過去式及過去分詞
57 spoil 第三級 [動詞] 寵壞,溺愛; [名詞] 戰掠物
58 stuff 第三級 [動詞] 裝;填;塞; [名詞] 材料,原料;物品
59 sums 第三級 sum(計算...的總和) 的第三人稱單數現在式; sum(總和,總計) 的複數
60 surviving 第二級 survive(在...之後仍然活著) 的現在分詞
61 talent 第二級 [名詞] 天才
62 telegraph 第四級 [動詞] 用電報發送;電匯;電購; [名詞] 電報,電信
63 wealth 第三級 [名詞] 財富;大量
64 wealthier 第三級 wealthy(富裕的;豐富的) 的比較級

[1] 窮困的, 沒錢的 
[2] 剝奪...的繼承權  




  I   know   they   don't ,"  said  Harry. " It   was   only   a   dream ." But   he   wished   he   hadn't   said   ...