2017年4月23日 星期日

3 時事 20170420 德國成功測試法國氫鐵

This hydrogen-powered train emits only water
中國日報/CNN  2017-04-20  
Imagine a nearly silent train that glides along its tracks emitting nothing more toxic than water.
That train is a reality.
In March, Germany conducted successful tests of the world's first "Hydrail" - a hydrogen powered, zero-emission train.
"The new train is 60% less noisy than a traditional diesel train, completely emission free," said Jens Sprotte of Alstom, the French producer of the train. "Its speed and the possibility to transport passengers match the performance of a diesel train. "
"The only sound it gives off comes from the wheels and air resistance," Sprotte added.
Here's how the new technology works:
The Hydrail uses the same equipment as a diesel train but substitutes hydrogen as its fuel source. Large fuel cells sitting on top of the train combine hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity, which is then transferred to lithium ion batteries.
Energy that is not immediately used can be stored for later use, increasing fuel efficiency. The train's only emissions are steam and water, resulting in minimal impact to the environment.
"It's so clean you can breathe it in," said Stefan Schrank, the train's project manager at Alstom.
Five federal states in Germany have signed a letter of intent to purchase a total of 60 trains from the French firm.
Each two-car train set requires a fuel cell and a 207 pound tank of hydrogen to supply it. The oxygen is supplied from the air around the train.
The train can travel up to 500 miles per day on a single tank of hydrogen, carrying 300 passengers at a time.
The first operational trains will roll out by the beginning of 2018, providing a green alternative to the 4,000 diesel trains currently operating in Germany. According to the EU, about 20% of Europe's current rail traffic runs on diesel.
The new train is ideally suited for short stretches of the European network that have not been converted to electric rails.
Alstom are hoping the train will turn a profit within its first couple years of operation. They hope the model will replace Germany's fleet of diesel trains in five to 20 years. 
The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and the UK have also expressed interest in the train.

Imagine a nearly silent train that glides along its tracks emitting nothing more toxic than water.
That train is a reality.
In March, Germany [1]conducted successful tests of the world's first "Hydrail" - a hydrogen powered, zero-emission train.
"The new train is 60% less noisy than a traditional diesel train, completely emission free," said Jens Sprotte of Alstom, the French producer of the train. "Its speed and the possibility to transport passengers match the performance of a diesel train."
"The only sound it gives off comes from the wheels and air resistance," Sprotte added.
Here's how the new technology works:
The Hydrail uses the same equipment as a diesel train but substitutes hydrogen as its fuel source. Large fuel cells sitting on top of the train combine hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity, which is then transferred to lithium ion batteries.
Energy that is not immediately used can be stored for later use, increasing fuel efficiency. The train's only emissions are steam and water, resulting in minimal impact to the environment.
"It's so clean you can breathe it in," said Stefan Schrank, the train's project manager at Alstom.
Five federal states in Germany have signed a letter of intent to purchase a total of 60 trains from the French firm.
Each two-car train set requires a fuel cell and a 207 pound tank of hydrogen to supply it. The oxygen is supplied from the air around the train.
The train can travel up to 500 miles per day on a single tank of hydrogen, carrying 300 passengers at a time.
The first operational trains will [2]roll out by the beginning of 2018, providing a green alternative to the 4,000 diesel trains currently operating in Germany. According to the EU, about 20% of Europe's current rail traffic runs on diesel.
The new train is ideally suited for short [3]stretches of the European network that have not been converted to electric rails.
Alstom are hoping the train will turn a profit within its first couple years of operation. They hope the model will replace Germany's [4]fleet of diesel trains in five to 20 years.
The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and the UK have also expressed interest in the train.

This hydrogen-powered train emits only water
中國日報/CNN 2017-04-20 

Imagine a nearly silent train that glides along its tracks emitting nothing more toxic than water
That train is a reality
In MarchGermany conducted successful tests of the world's first "Hydrail" - a hydrogen poweredzero-emission train
"The new train is 60% less noisy than a traditional diesel traincompletely emission free," said Jens Sprotte of Alstom, theFrench producer of the train. "Its speed and the possibility to transport passengers match the performance of a diesel train." 
"The only sound it gives off comes from the wheels and air resistance," Sprotte added
Here's how the new technology works
The Hydrail uses the same equipment as a diesel train but substitutes hydrogen as its fuel sourceLarge fuel cells sitting ontop of the train combine hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricitywhich is then transferred to lithium ion batteries
Energy that is not immediately used can be stored for later useincreasing fuel efficiencyThe train's only emissions aresteam and waterresulting in minimal impact to the environment
"It's so clean you can breathe it in," said Stefan Schrank, the train's project manager at Alstom. 
Five federal states in Germany have signed a letter of intent to purchase a total of 60 trains from the French firm
Each two-car train set requires a fuel cell and a 207 pound tank of hydrogen to supply itThe oxygen is supplied from the airaround the train
The train can travel up to 500 miles per day on a single tank of hydrogencarrying 300 passengers at a time
The first operational trains will roll out by the beginning of 2018, providing a green alternative to the 4,000 diesel trainscurrently operating in GermanyAccording to the EU, about 20% of Europe's current rail traffic runs on diesel
The new train is ideally suited for short stretches of the European network that have not been converted to electric rails
Alstom are hoping the train will turn a profit within its first couple years of operationThey hope the model will replaceGermany's fleet of diesel trains in five to 20 years
The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and the UK have also expressed interest in the train

Word Category Definition
1 according 第六級 accord((與...)一致;調解) 的現在分詞
2 alternative 第六級 [形容詞] 兩者(或若干)中擇一的; [名詞] 選擇的自由(或餘地)
3 batteries 第四級 battery(電池) 的複數
4 breathe 第三級 [動詞] 呼吸
5 cell 第二級 [名詞] 單人牢房;細胞;蜂房的巢室;電池
6 cells 第二級 cell(單人牢房;細胞;蜂房的巢室;電池) 的複數
7 combine 第三級 [動詞] 使結合
8 completely 第二級 complete(完整的;徹底的) 的衍生的副詞
9 conducted 第五級 conduct(引導,帶領) 的過去式及過去分詞
10 converted 第五級 convert(轉變;變換;改變信仰) 的過去式及過去分詞
11 couple 第二級 [動詞] 連接;結合;成婚;交配; [名詞] 一對
12 current 第三級 [形容詞] 現行的; [名詞] 水流;電流
13 currently 第三級 current(現行的) 的衍生的副詞
14 efficiency 第四級 [名詞] 效率;效能
15 electric 第三級 [形容詞] 電的
16 electricity 第三級 [名詞] 電;電流
17 energy 第二級 [名詞] 精力;能量
18 environment 第二級 [名詞] 環境
19 equipment 第四級 [名詞] 配備,裝備
20 expressed 第二級 express(表示) 的過去式及過去分詞
21 federal 第五級 [形容詞] 聯邦(制)的; [名詞] 聯邦政府工作人員
22 firm 第二級 [形容詞] 牢固的; [動詞] 使穩固;使牢固;變堅實; [副詞] 穩固地;牢固地; [名詞] 商行,公司
23 fleet 第六級 [名詞] 艦隊;機群;車隊
24 fuel 第四級 [動詞] 加燃料;加油; [名詞] 燃料
25 generate 第六級 [動詞] 產生;發生(熱;電;光等)
26 glides 第四級 glide(滑動,滑行) 的第三人稱單數現在式; glide(滑翔,下滑) 的複數
27 hydrogen 第四級 [名詞] 氫
28 ideally 第三級 ideal(理想的,完美的) 的衍生的副詞; [副詞] 理想地;觀念上
29 imagine 第二級 [動詞] 想像
30 immediately 第三級 immediate(即刻的) 的衍生的副詞; [副詞] 直接地;接近地
31 impact 第四級 [動詞] 壓緊;擠滿; [名詞] 衝擊,撞擊;影響
32 increasing 第二級 increase(增加) 的現在分詞
33 intent 第五級 [形容詞] 專注的;熱切的;堅決要做的; [名詞] 意圖;目的
34 manager 第三級 [名詞] 經理
35 march 第三級 [動詞] 行軍;把(人)強行帶走; [名詞] 三月
36 match 第二級 [動詞] 相配; [名詞] 比賽,競賽;對手;相配者;火柴
37 minimal 第五級 [形容詞] 最小的;極微的
38 model 第二級 [動詞] 塑像;當模特兒; [名詞] 模型;模特兒
39 nearly 第二級 near(近的) 的衍生的副詞; [副詞] 幾乎,差不多;密切地,親密地
40 network 第三級 [動詞] 聯播; [名詞] 電視網;電腦網絡
41 operating 第二級 operate(運作;運轉;動手術) 的現在分詞
42 operation 第四級 [名詞] 手術;操作
43 operational 第六級 [形容詞] 操作上的;經營上的
44 oxygen 第四級 [名詞] 氧;氧氣
45 passengers 第二級 passenger(乘客) 的複數
46 per 第二級 [介系詞] 經,由;每;按照
47 performance 第三級 [名詞] 演出;演奏;表演
48 possibility 第二級 [名詞] 可能性
49 pound 第二級 [動詞] 敲打;(心等)劇跳;腳步沈重地走; [名詞] 磅
50 producer 第二級 [名詞] 生產者,製造者製片人
51 profit 第三級 [動詞] 得益,獲益; [名詞] 利潤,盈利;收益
52 project 第二級 [動詞] 計劃;企劃;突出,伸出;投射; [名詞] 計畫
53 providing 第二級 provide(供應) 的現在分詞
54 purchase 第五級 [動詞] 買,購買; [名詞] 所購之物
55 rail 第五級 [動詞] 給...圍欄杆;鋪設軌道; [名詞] 欄杆;扶手;鐵軌
56 rails 第五級 rail(給...圍欄杆;鋪設軌道) 的第三人稱單數現在式; rail(欄杆;扶手;鐵軌) 的複數
57 reality 第二級 [名詞] 現實;真實
58 replace 第三級 [動詞] 取代;以...代替
59 requires 第二級 require(需要) 的第三人稱單數現在式
60 resistance 第四級 [名詞] 抵抗,反抗
61 resulting 第二級 result(發生,產生;結果;導致) 的現在分詞
62 roll 第二級 [動詞] 捲;滾; [名詞] 滾動;(一)捲;捲餅;隆隆聲;名單
63 signed 第二級 sign(簽字;做信號) 的過去式及過去分詞
64 silent 第二級 [形容詞] 寂靜的
65 single 第二級 [形容詞] 單一的;獨身的; [動詞] 選出,挑出;擊出一壘安打; [名詞] 單的;一壘安打
66 source 第二級 [名詞] 源頭
67 speed 第二級 [動詞] 加速;促進; [名詞] 速度
68 steam 第二級 [動詞] 蒸; [名詞] 蒸氣
69 stretches 第二級 stretch(舒展肢體,伸懶腰) 的第三人稱單數現在式; stretch(伸直;伸出;伸長) 的複數
70 substitutes 第五級 substitute(用...代替;代替) 的第三人稱單數現在式; substitute(代替物;代用品) 的複數
71 successful 第二級 [形容詞] 成功的; success(成功) 的形容詞
72 suited 第二級 suit(適合;相稱;彼此協調) 的過去式及過去分詞
73 supplied 第二級 supply(供給,供應) 的過去式及過去分詞
74 supply 第二級 [動詞] 供給,供應; [名詞] 生活用品;補給品
75 tank 第二級 [名詞] 槽;坦克
76 technology 第三級 [名詞] 工藝學;工藝
77 tests 第二級 test(試驗;測驗) 的第三人稱單數現在式; test(測驗;考試) 的複數
78 toxic 第五級 [形容詞] 毒(性)的;有毒的
79 tracks 第二級 track(跟蹤;沿著(道路)走) 的第三人稱單數現在式; track(行蹤;軌道) 的複數
80 traditional 第二級 [形容詞] 傳統的
81 traffic 第二級 [動詞] 在...上通行;交易,來來往往; [名詞] 交通
82 transferred 第四級 transfer(轉換;調動) 的過去式及過去分詞
83 transport 第三級 [動詞] 運送,運輸; [名詞] 交通工具
84 travel 第二級 [動詞] 旅行; [名詞] 旅行
85 used 第二級 [形容詞] 習慣於; 舊的;用舊了的; use(利用) 的過去式及過去分詞
86 wheels 第二級 wheel(旋轉,轉動) 的第三人稱單數現在式; wheel(輪子) 的複數
87 within 第二級 [副詞] 在內部; [介系詞] 在…裡; 不超過

[1] 安排;實施
[2] 推出
[3] 直線跑道
[4] 艦隊;車隊


  I   know   they   don't ,"  said  Harry. " It   was   only   a   dream ." But   he   wished   he   hadn't   said   ...