2021年7月20日 星期二

VOC 2000趴趴GO 中英對照

 P5 A 1 1 Everyone has a pencil and an eraser. 每個人都有一枝筆和一個橡皮擦。

2 a lot of (許多) +可數或不可數名詞

3 a few (一些)+可數名詞

4 a little (一些)+不可數名詞

2 Are you able to speak English? 你會說英文嗎?

3 1 What are you and John talking about? 你和 John 在談論什麼?

2 I'll get there at about three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. 我大約明天下午三點會到達那裡。

4 If the weather is fine tomorrow, you can see many stars above the sky. 如果明天天氣好,你可以看到許多星星在天上。

5 The Smith family went abroad to England for their vacation last year. Smith 一家人去年出國到英國度假。

6 The bridge is broken. Don't walk across it. 橋壞了。不要走過去。

7 Don't act like a child. 別像個孩子一樣。

8 Actions speak louder than words. 坐而言不如起而行。

P6 9 Tom wants to be an actor in the future. Tom 希望未來能成為一個演員。

10 The actress can sing very well, too. 那位女演員歌也唱得很好。

11 1 She is very afraid of mice. 她很怕老鼠。

2 I'm afraid that you will be late. 我擔心你會遲到。

12 1 What season comes after spring? 什麼季節在春天之後到來?

2 Mrs. Wang went to bed after she took medicine. 王太太吃過藥後就上床睡覺了。

3 after school 放學後

4 after class 下課後

13 1 Will you go jogging with me this afternoon? 今天下午你要和我一起去慢跑嗎?

2 in the afternoon 在下午

14 1 Don't be late for school again. 上學不要再遲到了。

2 again and again 一次又一次

15 Dave is sixteen years of age. Dave 16歲。

16 I saw Jack swimming in the sea an hour ago. 一小時前我看到 Jack 在海裡游泳。

17 1 We all agree with you. 我們都贊成你的意見。

2 agree with 同意+人

3 agree on/about 同意+事

P7 18 1 The home team is ahead now. 地主隊目前領先。

2 A: May I ask you some questions? A:我可以問你一些問題嗎?

3 B: Go ahead! B:請說!

19 1 The air in the country is very fresh. 鄉下的空氣很新鮮。

2 Have you got your air mail from England? 你已經收到英國寄來的航空信件嗎?

3 by air 搭飛機、以航空郵件

20 1 A: How did you get here? A:你是如何到達這裡的?

2 B: By airplane. B:搭飛機。

21 Could you pick me up at the airport at four p.m.? 下午四點你可以到機場來接我嗎?

22 1 All the books on the bookshelf were written by Sue. 書架上所有的書都是 Sue 寫的。

2 She sings the most beautifully of all. 她是所有中唱得最美妙的。

3 of all 所有之中

4 all over the world 全世界

23 Your daughter is almost as tall as you. 你女兒幾乎要和你一樣高了。

24 1 Walk along the riverside, and you'll find a special building. 沿著河岸走,你會發現一棟特別的建築。

2 get along with 與人相處

25 It's already eleven o'clock. 已經十一點鐘了。

P8 26 The little boy also drank some orange juice. 那小男孩也喝了一些柳橙汁。

27 1 Dad always drives his car to his office. 爸爸總是開車去辦公室。

2 Always be a good student. 永遠做個好學生。

3 not always 並非總是

28 Did your cousin catch the 6:30 a.m. bus? 你堂姐有趕上上午六點半的公車嗎?

29 Tom has studied in America for several years. Tom 已經在美國讀書好幾年了。

30 1 Jason doesn't look like an American. Jason 看起來不像美國人。

2 Do you enjoy seeing American movies? 你喜歡看美國電影嗎?

31 You had better walk slowly and carefully on rainy days. 下雨天你最好小心慢走。

32 1 They were very angry at what you said yesterday. 他們很生氣你昨天說的話。

2 be angry with+ 生氣+人

3 be angry at (about)+ 生氣+事物

33 There are many different kinds of animals in the zoo. 動物園裡有許多不同種類的動物。

34 I have three hats. One is red, another is blue, and the other is yellow. 我有三頂帽子。一頂是紅色,另一頂是藍色,剩下的那頂是黃色的。

P9 35 1 Who can tell me the answer to the question? 誰可以告訴我這個問題的答案?

2 No one answered the door this morning. 今天早上沒人應門。

3 answer the phone 接電話

4 answer the letter 回信

36 Are there a lot of ants in the kitchen? 廚房裡有很多螞蟻嗎?

37 1 I am too tired to eat any food. 我太累了吃不下任何食物。

2 A: Which color do you like? A:你喜歡哪個顏色?

B: I don't like any of them. B:任何一個我都不喜歡。

38 Does anyone know the man with long hair? 有誰認識那個留著長髮的男士嗎?

39 Is there anything wrong with your computer? 你的電腦有任何問題嗎?

40 That blue apartment is for sale. 那間藍色的公寓要出售。

41 Those girls were excited to see Jay appear at the concert. 那些女孩看到 Jay 出現在音樂會上很興奮。

42 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 諺 每日一蘋果,醫生遠離我。

43 1 April showers bring May flowers. 四月陣雨帶來五月花。

2 April Fools' Day 愚人節

P10 44 The little girl fell asleep in Grandma's arms. 那小女孩在祖母的手臂裡睡著了。

45 1 There are several coffee shops around the lake. 湖的四周有好幾家咖啡店。

2 Are there any elementary schools around here? 這附近有小學嗎? 

3 They will be here around ten o'clock. 他們大約十點會到達這裡。

46 1 When will Kevin's uncle arrive in Taipei tomorrow? Kevin 的伯父明天何時到達臺北?

2 arrive at 到達+小地方

3 arrive in 到達+大地方

47 Our art teacher is very nice; we all like her. 我們美術老師很好;我們都喜歡她。

48 1 Lisa works as a secretary in the company. Lisa 在公司擔任祕書。

2 Sam's car is as expensive as yours. Sam 的車和你的車一樣貴。

49 1 May I ask a question of you? 我可以問你問題嗎?

2 Her son often asks her for money. 她兒子常常向她要錢。

3 The teacher asked us to keep quiet in the classroom. 老師要求我們在教室裡要保持安靜。

4 ask for help 求救

50 1 Do you want to go bike riding or stay at home? 你想要去騎腳踏車,還是待在家裡?

2 My first class starts at eight twenty. 我的第一節課在八點二十分開始。

3 David is good at playing the guitar. David 擅長彈吉他。




  I   know   they   don't ,"  said  Harry. " It   was   only   a   dream ." But   he   wished   he   hadn't   said   ...