2018年3月11日 星期日

畫龍點睛 Alice

Good morning, everyone. I’m number 3.
Welcome to my story “Draw Dragon Dot Eyes”.
Have you ever heard of the Chinese idiom, "Draw Dragon Dot Eyes"? Do you know what it means? Let me tell you the story.
Sung-Yow had a secret. He could paint a picture and make it come alive! This only happened when the painting was finished. Sung-Yow loved to paint dragons. He left out their eyes because he didn't want them to come alive. In this way his secret stayed a secret.
The king heard that Sung-Yow was good at painting dragons. He asked Sung-Yow to paint four dragons on a wall. In three days the painting was almost finished. The dragons looked like they could jump off the wall. They didn’t jump because Sung-Yow had left out their eyes.
People came from far away to see the paintings.
“The dragons look so real,” they said.
“But where are their eyes?” they asked.
“If I dotted the eyes, the dragons would fly away,” said Sung-Yow.
Everyone laughed. No one believed him. Sung-Yow was not happy. This time he would NOT leave out the eyes. He painted little black dots on two of the dragons.
Crash! Crack! The wall split open. Two dragons jumped off the wall. Sung-Yow went on to become a very famous artist with a very famous secret.
In China when someone adds a finishing touch to a work, people might say “Draw Dragon Dot Eyes”. 
“Draw Dragon Dot Eyes” can be applied when we write and talk.  When we write and talk, we are supposed to get to the point. Getting to the point is used as “Draw Dragon Dot Eyes” function. So remember to draw dragon dot eyes when writing and talking, and it will make your words come alive.
Thank you for listening. Have a nice day.




  I   know   they   don't ,"  said  Harry. " It   was   only   a   dream ." But   he   wished   he   hadn't   said   ...