2017年3月8日 星期三

時事 20170307 瑞典暴動


First story this Thursday, a clash in the European nation of Sweden. Riots broke out one night earlier this week in the neighborhood of the capital Stockholm.
A regional police chief says the violence might have been triggered by increased police pressure on criminals in the area. The neighborhood of Rinkeby is known for having high levels of unemployment. It's also known for having a high immigrant population.
Before the riots broke, US President Donald Trump suggested that immigrants in Sweden were responsible for an increase in crime across the country. Some Swedes praised President Trump for drawing attention to the issue. Some said there is no issue, that a recent increase in immigrants has not made Sweden less safe.
The country has accepted more refugees per capita than any other European nation. So, the debate is raging, even though the violence has calmed.
IVAN WATSON, cnn SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Mattias Karlsson is a leader in the right wing Sweden Democrats, the third largest party in parliament.
MATTIAS KARLSSON, SWEDEN DEMOCRAT PARTY: I think Sweden is a good example to put forward as a bad example. If you don't control the borders, if you have an irresponsible refugee policy, you will get problems and we have serious problems here in Sweden.
WATSON: Is it a — is it a crisis here?
KARLSSON: Yes, I would describe it as a crisis. We have seen serious problems with law and order.
WATSON: As evidence, Karlsson points to a riot that erupted in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby Monday night.
A police spokesman says officers fired at least two shots when dozens of rioters attacked police officers during the arrest of a crime suspect. Ten cars were torched in the unrest and one police officer suffered a bruise to the arm from a thrown object.
Hours later, the scene in this largely immigrant community looked very different.
This is the center of Rinkeby. Now that we're here, I'm going to be honest, sa first time visitor, it's hard to believe that less than 24 hours ago, this was a scene of a full blown riot.
More than a dozen police officers deployed in the central square. Several shop windows were smashed, but families with small children appeared to be going about their business as usual.
Is Sweden in crisis right now?
MAGNUS RANSTORP, COUNTER TERRORISM EXPERT: No, it's not at all in crisis. Look around. I mean, very calm, very quiet. Of course, isolated incidences that happened. But police are dealing with them.
WATSON: Magnus Ranstorp is a counterterrorism expert at the Swedish National Defense College.
RANSTORP: I'm not denying that there are integration issues. But what I think is wrong to do is to conflate immigration, crime and terrorism, because those linkages are not that strong.
WATSON: During the peak of the European migrant crisis of 2015, more than 160,000 new arrivals crossed Sweden's borders. Sweden has since tightened border controls, reducing the flow of migrants by imposing temporary passport checks at the border.
In a four-year period when Sweden granted asylum to more than 100,000 refugees, crime grew by 7 percent. Meanwhile, state figures show the Muslim immigrant community in Sweden is increasingly under attack.

Like much of the rest of Europe, this Scandinavian country is grappling with immigration, assimilation and the threat of Islamic extremist terrorism, very complicated challenges at the heart of a growing global political debate.

CNN news 2017-03-07

First story this Thursdaya clash in the European nation of Sweden. Riots broke out one night earlier this week in the neighborhood of the capital Stockholm.

A regional police chief says the violence might have been triggered by increased police pressure on criminals in the areaThe neighborhood of Rinkeby is known for having high levels of unemploymentIt's also known for having a high immigrant population .

Before the riots brokeUS President Donald Trump suggested that immigrant s in Sweden were responsible for an increase in crime across the countrySome Swedes praised President Trump for drawing attention to the issueSome said there is no issuethat a recent increase in immigrant s has not made Sweden less safe.

The country has accepted more refugee s per capita than any other European nationSothe debate is ragingeven though the violence has calm ed.

IVAN WATSON, cnn SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Mattias Karlsson is a leader in the right wing Sweden Democratsthe third largest party in parliament.

MATTIAS KARLSSON, SWEDEN DEMOCRAT PARTYI think Sweden is a good example to put forward as a bad exampleIf you don't control the bordersif you have an irresponsible refugee policy , you will get problems and we have serious problems here in Sweden.

WATSON: Is it a — is it a crisis here?

KARLSSON: YesI would describe it as a crisis . We have seen serious problems with law and order.

WATSON: As evidence , Karlsson points to a riot that erupted in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby Monday night.

A police spokesman says officers fired at least two shots when dozens of rioters attacked police officers during the arrest of crime suspectTen cars were torched in the unrest and one police officer suffered a bruise to the arm from a thrown object.

Hours laterthe scene in this largely immigrant community looked very different.

This is the center of Rinkeby. Now that we're hereI'm going to be honest, sa first time visitorit's hard to believe that less than 24 hours agothis was a scene of a full blown riot.

More than a dozen police officers deployed in the central squareSeveral shop windows were smashedbut families with small children appeared to be going about their business as usual.

Is Sweden in crisis right now?

MAGNUS RANSTORP, COUNTER TERRORISM EXPERTNoit's not at all in crisis . Look aroundI meanvery calm , very quietOf courseisolated incidences that happenedBut police are dealing with them.

WATSON: Magnus Ranstorp is a counterterrorism expert at the Swedish National Defense College.

RANSTORP: I'm not denying that there are integration issuesBut what I think is wrong to do is to conflate immigrationcrime and terror ism, because those linkages are not that strong.

WATSON: During the peak of the European migrant crisis of 2015, more than 160,000 new arrivals crossed Sweden's borders. Sweden has since tightened border controlsreducing the flow of migrants by imposing temporary passport checks at the border.

In a four-year period when Sweden granted asylum to more than 100,000 refugee s, crime grew by 7 percentMeanwhilestate figures show the Muslim immigrant community in Sweden is increasingly under attack.

Like much of the rest of Europethis Scandinavian country is grappling with immigration, assimilation and the threat of Islamic extremist terror ism, very complicated challenges at the heart of a growing global political debate.
CNN news 2017-03-07

First story this Thursdaya clash in the European nation of Sweden. Riots broke out one night earlier this week in the neighbor hood of the capital Stockholm.

A regional police chief says the violence might have been triggered by increased police pressure on criminals in the areaThe neighborhood of Rinkeby is known for having high levels of unemploymentIt's also known for having a high immigrant population .

Before the riots brokeUS President Donald Trump suggested that immigrant s in Sweden were responsible for an increase in crime across the countrySome Swedes praised President Trump for drawing attention to the issueSome said there is no issuethat a recent increase in immigrant s has not made Sweden less safe.

The country has accepted more refugeeper capita than any other European nationSothe debate is ragingeven though the violence has calm ed.

IVAN WATSON, cnn SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Mattias Karlsson is a leader in the right wing Sweden Democratsthe third largest party in parliament.

MATTIAS KARLSSON, SWEDEN DEMOCRAT PARTYI think Sweden is a good example to put forward as a bad exampleIf youdon't control the bordersif you have an irresponsible refugee policy , you will get problems and we have serious problems here in Sweden.

WATSON: Is it a — is it a crisis here?

KARLSSON: YesI would describe it as a crisis . We have seen serious problems with law and order.

WATSON: As evidence , Karlsson points to a riot that erupted in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby Monday night.

A police spokesman says officers fired at least two shots when dozens of rioters attacked police officers during the arrest of crime suspectTen cars were torched in the unrest and one police officer suffered a bruise to the arm from a thrown object.

Hours laterthe scene in this largely immigrant community looked very different.

This is the center of Rinkeby. Now that we're hereI'm going to be honest, sa first time visitorit's hard to believe that less than 24 hours agothis was a scene of a full blown riot.

More than a dozen police officers deployed in the central squareSeveral shop windows were smashedbut families with smallchildren appeared to be going about their business as usual.

Is Sweden in crisis right now?

MAGNUS RANSTORP, COUNTER TERRORISM EXPERTNoit's not at all in crisis . Look aroundI meanvery calm , very quietOf courseisolated incidences that happenedBut police are dealing with them.

WATSON: Magnus Ranstorp is a counter terror ism expert at the Swedish National Defense College.

RANSTORP: I'm not denying that there are integration issuesBut what I think is wrong to do is to conflate immigrationcrime and terror ism, because those linkages are not that strong.

WATSON: During the peak of the European migrant crisis of 2015, more than 160,000 new arrivals crossed Sweden's borders. Sweden has since tightened border controlsreducing the flow of migrants by imposing temporary passport checks at the border.

In a four-year period when Sweden granted asylum to more than 100,000 refugee s, crime grew by 7 percentMeanwhilestate figures show the Muslim immigrant community in Sweden is increasingly under attack.

Like much of the rest of Europethis Scandinavian country is grappling with immigration, assimilation and the threat of Islamic extremist terror ism, very complicated challenges at the heart of a growing global political debate.

Word Category Definition
1 arrivals 第三級 arrival(到達) 的複數
2 asylum 第六級 [名詞] 收容院;避難所;政治庇護
3 border 第三級 [動詞] 毗鄰,接界; [名詞] 邊緣;邊境
4 borders 第三級 border(毗鄰,接界) 的第三人稱單數現在式; border(邊緣;邊境) 的複數
5 broke 第四級 [形容詞] 一文不名的;破了產的; break(斷裂;中斷;打破(記錄)) 的過去式
6 bruise 第五級 [動詞] 使受瘀傷;碰傷(水果);挫傷(感情); [名詞] 青腫;(水果等)碰傷;挫傷
7 capital 第三級 [形容詞] 可處死刑的; [名詞] 首都;首府;資本
8 challenges 第三級 challenge(對...提出異議) 的第三人稱單數現在式; challenge(挑戰;艱鉅的事) 的複數
9 clash 第四級 [動詞] 砰地相碰撞; [名詞] 碰撞聲,鏗鏘聲
10 college 第三級 [名詞] 學院;大學
11 community 第四級 [名詞] 社區
12 complicated 第四級 [形容詞] 複雜的; complicate(使複雜化) 的過去式及過去分詞
13 correspondent 第六級 [形容詞] 符合的;一致的; [名詞] 通信者;通訊記者
14 counter 第四級 [形容詞] 相反的;反對的;對立的; [動詞] 反對;反擊; [副詞] 反方向地,相反地; [名詞] 櫃臺
15 criminals 第三級 criminal(罪犯) 的複數
16 defense 第四級 [名詞] 防禦,保衛,防護
17 democrat 第五級 [名詞] 民主主義者
18 democrats 第五級 democrat(民主主義者) 的複數
19 erupted 第五級 erupt(噴出;爆發) 的過去式及過去分詞
20 evidence 第四級 [動詞] 顯示,表明; [名詞] 證據;證詞;證人;物證
21 global 第三級 [形容詞] 全世界的
22 granted 第五級 grant(同意,准予) 的過去式及過去分詞
23 hood 第五級 [動詞] 罩上兜帽(或風帽);加罩於; [名詞] 兜帽;風帽;罩;車蓋
24 immigrant 第四級 [名詞] 移民,僑民
25 immigration 第四級 [名詞] 移居
26 imposing 第五級 [形容詞] 壯觀的;氣勢宏偉的;莊嚴的; impose(徵(稅);加(負擔等)於) 的現在分詞
27 integration 第六級 [名詞] 整合;積分
28 isolated 第四級 [形容詞] 孤立的;隔離的; isolate(使孤立) 的過去式及過去分詞
29 issue 第五級 [動詞] 發行;發佈; [名詞] 問題;爭論;發行(物)
30 issues 第五級 issue(發行;發佈) 的第三人稱單數現在式; issue(問題;爭論;發行(物)) 的複數
31 largely 第四級 large(大的) 的衍生的副詞; [副詞] 大部分;主要地;大量地
32 meanwhile 第三級 [副詞] 其間;同時; [名詞] 其時,其間
33 might 第三級 may(可能) 的過去式; [助動詞] may的過去式; [名詞] 力量,威力
34 migrant 第五級 [形容詞] 移居(尤指移出國境)的;流浪的; [名詞] 移民;候鳥
35 migrants 第五級 migrant(移民;候鳥) 的複數
36 parliament 第六級 [名詞] 議會,國會
37 passport 第三級 [名詞] 護照;通行證;執照
38 peak 第三級 [形容詞] 最高的,高峰的; [動詞] 使尖起;達到高峰;聳起; [名詞] 山頂;頂端
39 percent 第四級 [名詞] 百分之一
40 political 第三級 [形容詞] 政治的;政治上的
41 pressure 第三級 [動詞] 對...施加壓力;迫使; [名詞] 壓力
42 raging 第四級 rage(發怒,怒斥) 的現在分詞
43 reducing 第三級 reduce(減少;縮小;降低) 的現在分詞
44 refugee 第四級 [名詞] 難民;流亡者
45 regional 第三級 [形容詞] 地區的,局部的
46 riot 第六級 [動詞] 參加(或發動)暴亂;放縱; [名詞] 暴亂;騷亂;狂歡
47 riots 第六級 riot(參加(或發動)暴亂;放縱) 的第三人稱單數現在式; riot(暴亂;騷亂;狂歡) 的複數
48 senior 第四級 [形容詞] 年資較深的;四年級生的; [名詞] 資深人士;(大學)四年級生
49 smashed 第五級 smash(粉碎;瓦解;殺球) 的過去式及過去分詞
50 spokesman 第六級 [名詞] 發言人,代言人
51 suburb 第三級 [名詞] 郊區
52 suffered 第三級 suffer(遭受;經歷;受苦;患病) 的過去式及過去分詞
53 suggested 第三級 suggest(建議) 的過去式及過去分詞
54 suspect 第三級 [形容詞] 可疑的;受到懷疑的;不可信的; [動詞] 疑有,察覺; [名詞] 嫌疑犯;可疑分子
55 temporary 第三級 [形容詞] 臨時的;暫時的
56 terror 第四級 [名詞] 恐怖,驚駭
57 threat 第三級 [名詞] 威脅,恐嚇
58 tightened 第三級 tighten(變緊,繃緊) 的過去式及過去分詞
59 torched 第五級 torch(如火炬般地燃燒) 的過去式及過去分詞
60 triggered 第六級 trigger(扣扳機開(槍);發射;觸發) 的過去式及過去分詞
61 unemployment 第六級 [名詞] 失業;失業狀態
62 very 第四級 [形容詞] 正是;恰好是;僅僅; [副詞] 很;非常
63 violence 第三級 [名詞] 暴力行為




  I   know   they   don't ,"  said  Harry. " It   was   only   a   dream ." But   he   wished   he   hadn't   said   ...