2023年5月30日 星期二

世界史 C3


Chapter 3 

Ancient India and China: Civilization spreads east

The Steppes

Silk Road Himalaya Mts. Yellow River

Indus River


Asia Minor (Turkey)











Southern Ocean Trade Routes

LOCATIONS: India, China, Japan, Asia Minor (Turkey), East Asia, Indus River, Yellow River, the Steppes, Silk Road, southern ocean trade routes, Himalaya Mountains.


After the world's first major civilizations arose in the Middle East, trade and civilization spread eastward to the Indus River valley of India. India was the birthplace of two major world religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, and India is the source of our zero-based numbering system. India would become the hub of a large trading network that extended from Europe all the way to China.

China, the world's fourth early civilization, also began in a river valley: the Yellow River valley of northern China. After China expanded south to the Yangtze River valley, the land between the two rivers became China's heartland, known as the "Middle Kingdom." After a ruthless emperor took control of China, it became the superpower of Asia.

29. Asia

Asia is the world's largest continent, sharing the landmass of Eurasia with Europe. The Ural Mountains of Russia are considered the dividing line between Asia and Europe. Asia was the site of three of the world's earliest civilizations, in Mesopotamia, India, and China. Today Asia has three-fifths of the world's population and the two most populous countries in the world, China and India. Because Asia is so huge, geographers have divided Asia into several regions. On the western side of Asia is the Middle East, which includes Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). Farther east is central Asia. To the south lies the Indian subcontinent. On the eastern side of Asia are East Asia (sometimes called the Far East) and Southeast Asia.

30. India

Most of the country of India is a triangular shaped peninsula that juts into the Indian Ocean. Due to its central location on the Indian Ocean between China and the Middle East, India became the ancient world's largest trading center. India also gave the world important new ideas, including the numbering system we use today and the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Today India is the second most populous country in the world after China, and India is the world's largest democracy. The capital of India is New Delhi. India and nearby countries form a region known as the Indian subcontinent, or Southern Asia,

After civilization first emerged in Mesopotamia and Egypt, it spread east to India. The earliest civilization in India grew along the Indus River valley of western India (now Pakistan) around 2500 BC. The Indus Valley Civilization had a written language and large cities with sophisticated plumbing systems. These were the first people to grow cotton. Ships and overland trade caravans connected India to Mesopotamia and Egypt in an early international trading network. The Indus Valley Civilization lasted for about a thousand years before it went into decline, possibly due to climate change that brought cooler and dryer weather.

31. the caste system

Under ancient India's caste system, people were born into permanent classes for life, and they could marry only within their own caste There were four main castes with complicated rules of behavior: (1) the priests, (2) the warriors, (3) the merchants, and (4) the common people, mostly peasants and laborers. Most people of ancient India were members of the commoner class, which had limited rights. A fifth group, the Untouchables, was outside the caste system. Considered not fully human, Untouchables performed the worst jobs such as skinning animals, cleaning toilets, and burying the dead.

While the caste system may seem unfair to us today, it provided a means for different kinds of people to live together peacefully while avoiding the slavery common to many ancient cultures. Although discrimination based on caste has been outlawed in India for decades, it still influences what kind of jobs people can get and whom they will marry.

32. Hinduism

Hinduism is the oldest major religion in the world today; it survived so long by changing and adjusting to new circumstances. To Hindus, all religions are acceptable, and the practices of other religions may be included as part of Hindu worship. Hindus believe in an eternal and infinite spiritual principle called Brahman that is the ultimate reality and foundation of all existence. Brahman can take the form of many gods, including Brahma the creator of the universe, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer.

For Hindus, a proper life is unconcerned with worldly riches; the goal is to seek union with Brahman, a quest that may take many lifetimes. Hindus believe in reincarnation, meaning that the soul never dies and may be reborn again in a different body. Karma, all of the actions of a person's life, will determine if a person returns in the next life at a higher level on the ladder of incarnation and closer to union with Brahman.

Hinduism is the largest religion of India and a defining feature of Indian culture. Hinduism and the caste system served to maintain order among India's many ethnic groups because each person knew his or her place in society, and people who followed the rules could hope to move to a higher caste in the next life.

33. Buddhism

Not everyone in India was satisfied with Hinduism. In the 500s BC, a young Hindu prince raised in luxury became troubled by the suffering he saw in the world. He left his wife and infant son to become a wandering monk, seeking a way to end the suffering. After six years of solitary searching, he found an answer and began to teach. His followers called him the "Buddha," or "the enlightened one."

Buddha taught that our life in the physical world is merely an illusion When people let go of their worldly pain and worries, they can unite with the universal soul and achieve a state of complete peace called nirvana. Like Hindus, Buddhists believe nothing is permanent, that life constantly moves through cycles of birth, death, and rebirth like the turning of a wheel. Although Buddha accepted the Hindu belief in reincarnation, he taught that people could achieve nirvana from their actions in this life alone, and he rejected the caste system. For these reasons, Buddhism became popular among the lower classes in India.

Today Buddhism is a major world religion. Although it began in India, Buddhism spread to the east and declined in India as Buddhism was absorbed into Hinduism. Buddhists are now found in the greatest numbers in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

34. Ashoka

Centuries after the Indus Valley Civilization died, cities and civilization arose again farther to the east in the fertile Ganges River valley. India was torn by warfare between kingdoms until the first Indian empire was established in the Ganges valley by the Mauryan Dynasty in 324 BC. Its greatest leader was Ashoka, who extended his empire to the south in a bloody invasion that conquered all but the southern tip of India.

Then Ashoka had a sudden change of heart. He publicly announced his grief at the suffering caused by his armies, and he rejected violence. He even gave up hunting and eating meat. Ashoka converted to Buddhism, and he spread Buddhist thinking throughout India and to neighboring countries. Ruling India with Buddhist ideals, Ashoka's government promoted the welfare of the people by kind acts such as digging new wells, building hospitals for people and animals, allowing freedom of religion, and easing harsh laws.

Ashoka also encouraged long-distance ocean trade. It was during his reign that India became the center of a vast, southern ocean-trading network that stretched from China to Africa and the Middle East.

35. Gupta Empire

Historians consider the Mauryan Empire and the Gupta Empire that followed (in the 300s and 400s AD) to be the greatest civilizations of India's classical period, a period when India underwent great cultural and political advancement. The reign of the Gupta Empire has been called India's "golden age," a high point of Indian history when art, drama. literature, and science flourished.

Gupta mathematicians invented the zero, an amazing number with no value that gives value to the place of other numbers. The zero made it possible to calculate numbers faster and more accurately, and it was adopted the world over. Doctors developed an inoculation against smallpox. Farmers learned how to turn the juice from sugarcane into dried sugar crystals that could be easily stored and traded over long distances. Cette from India clothed people across much of the ancient world. Gupta Indie was a land of wonders.

The Gupta Empire declined in the early 500s AD when tribes of nomadic horsemen called Huns invaded from grasslands to the north but the cultural patterns that developed during India's classical period created a vital culture in Southern Asia that endures to this day."

36. nomadic raiders

People of ancient times developed four basic patterns for making a living. Some were still hunters and gatherers stalking wild game herds. but most people lived in farming villages. Another group lived in cities supported largely by wealth from agriculture. A fourth group lived in pastoral societies; these were nomadic herders of the grasslands who did not settle down in one place like farmers. They moved their domesticated (tame) animals-sheep, goats, cows, horses, and camels-from pasture to pasture with the seasons.

Pastoral people were mobile, and they developed military tactics to protect their animals from thieves. Pastoral nomads of the steppes (grasslands of central Eurasia) became skilled at using horses in warfare. and they sometimes raided settled communities. These were the nomadic raiders who attacked Jericho, Sumer, the Gupta Empire, and others Many governments of Eurasia began with nomads sweeping in from the steppes and taking control. Centuries of warfare between nomadic raiders and civilized peoples in Eurasia led to advancements in military organization and technology unmatched elsewhere in the world.

37. China

The world's fourth great, early civilization also got its start along river valley, the Yellow River of northeastern China, where farmers grew millet and wheat Farming later moved south to the Yangtze (YONG-zah) river, where rice production led to an increase in China's population The land between the rivers became the center of Chinese civilization the so-called Middle Kingdom. Early Chinese culture grew in relative isolation due to physical barriers and long distances that separated it from other major civilizations of Eurasia. The world's highest mountain range, the Himalayas, separates China from India.

The Chinese have long believed in a philosophy that recognizes fundamental balance in nature between opposite but complimentary principles called yin and yang. Examples include day/night, hot/cold. wet/dry, and male/female. Central to Chinese philosophy and religion is a belief that people should avoid extremes and seek harmony with the balance of nature. (A philosophy is a system of basic beliefs about life.)

With nearly one fourth of the world's population, China today is

the world's most populous country, and it has a fast-growing economy. China was a superpower in the past, and it has become a superpower again in this century. China and its neighboring countries of Mongolia, Korea, and Japan form a region bordering the Pacific Ocean known as East Asia or the Far East.

38. mandate from heaven

The Zhou (JOH) dynasty took control of China in 1122 BC and ruled for nearly 900 years. To give their government legitimacy, Zhou and later Chinese rulers claimed to rule with approval from the gods, a mandate from heaven. Although this claim was meant to enhance the emperor's authority, it also established the right to overthrow an ineffective emperor. The emperor was expected to protect his people by ruling in a way that pleased the gods. If trouble developed in the empire-droughts or military defeats, for example-people might say the emperor had lost his mandate from heaven, and the emperor could be overthrown.

Over many centuries, China's history experienced a recurring pattern. A ruling dynasty would start out strong and gradually weaken over time until it was replaced by a new dynasty. Then the pattern would repeat.

Zhou rulers controlled their kingdom through a feudal system, meaning that they divided the land into smaller territories and appointed officials to govern them. When the Zhou dynasty eventually weakened, some of these territories developed into strong states that opposed the emperor and began fighting among themselves. These bloody conflicts lasted for over two centuries, a time called the Warring States period.

39. Confucius

Confucius was born in 551 BC, when Zhou rulers were losing control of their empire. He tried to return harmony to China with a philosophy based on devotion to the family, respect between the classes, high moral ideals, and learning. He emphasized individual duty and responsibility, what we might call a strong work ethic. The family was the center of Confucian society, with the father at the head. The mother and children owed total obedience to the father. Family ancestors were honored and not forgotten.

Confucius promoted an orderly society in which people of higher rank were courteous to those below, and those of lower rank were respectful lead by example, not through power and harsh laws. "When the ruler to those above. Confucius said a ruler should act like a good father and does right, all men will imitate his self-control."

While the teachings of Confucius were not very influential in his lifetime, they soon became a guiding philosophy of Chinese civilization, and they still exert a strong influence on Chinese culture today.

40. The First Emperor

One of China's warring states, the Qin (CHIN) kingdom of western China, grew wealthy from agriculture based on extensive irrigation. With this wealth, the Qin ruler raised a powerful army and spent twenty years ruthlessly conquering China's warring states. He declared himself First Emperor in 221 BC. Thus, it was the First Emperor, Qin Shi Huangdi, who brought China under a central government and gave China its name,

To help unify China, the First Emperor stripped the regional warlords of their power, and he forced them to move to the capital where he could control them. He also standardized the Chinese language, money, roads, and weights and measures.

The First Emperor ruled with a philosophy that considered people selfish and evil by nature; he adopted strict laws and harsh punishments to keep people in line. He also tried to control what people could think, it is said that he buried scholars alive, burned books including the teachings of Confucius, and brutally eliminated those who disagreed with him.

41. Great Wall of China

Natural barriers protected China on three sides: oceans to the east and south, mountains and desert to the west. But China's northern border lay open to attack from Huns. The First Emperor ordered a number of individual walls joined together to form one great stone wall to defend China's northern border from attack. Hundreds of thousands of laborers worked on the Great Wall for years, and many workers died under the harsh conditions. Gates in the wall became centers of trade with the nomadic peoples who lived outside. The Great Wall was repaired and rebuilt a number of times over the centuries, and parts of it still stand.

The First Emperor also built for himself a magnificent underground tomb, and nearby he buried a terra-cotta army of life-size soldiers to protect him for eternity. (Terra-cotta is the brownish-orange pottery used today to make flowerpots.) One pit contained sculptures of 6,000 Infantrymen (foot soldiers), and a second pit held the cavalry (mounted soldiers) complete with life-size horses, all arranged in battle formation One of the great archeological finds of the 20th century, the terra-cotta army was uncovered accidentally in 1974 by a farmer digging a well.

Hoping to find a way to avoid death, the First Emperor experimented with a number of potions until he killed himself by accidental poisoning. The Qin Dynasty lasted for only fifteen years, but it began a Chinese tradition of strong central governments controlled by powerful rulers.

42. Han Dynasty

The harsh rule of the First Emperor was so unpopular that the Qin Dynasty was overthrown shortly after the emperor's death. Following a period of civil war, the Han Dynasty took control of China in 206 BC. Han rulers adopted Confucian ideas about creating a respectful and orderly society, and they set up a civil service system to run the government with well-educated officials chosen by written tests.

The Han Dynasty expanded China's empire to the south and west. and it produced marvels that would change the world, including the ship's rudder, the magnetic compass, and paper. The four-hundred-year reign of the Han Empire was so successful that it is considered the greatest of China's classical dynasties.

The Han Empire eventually weakened, fell apart, and was replaced by three kingdoms in 220 AD. About a hundred years later, Hun invaders took control of the Chinese heartland. The period of classical civilization in China was over, but the Chinese were left with an enduring belief that China was the center of civilization.

43. the Silk Road

During the Han Dynasty, regular trade began over the Silk Road, actually a network of trails that stretched 4,000 miles from China to the Roman Empire. Only the Chinese knew how to raise silkworms and weave silk: Chinese silk was worth its weight in gold in Rome. Europeans also acquired a taste for other Asian luxury goods including spices, a taste that would later send Columbus on his voyages of discovery.

The Silk Road was a two-way street. Asian goods were traded for Western goods, which flowed back along the Silk Road to China. Imports from the west to China included gold, silver, powerful horses, new foods, and Buddhism. This overland trade was made possible by the camel, the "ship of the desert," with its large padded feet for walking on shifting desert sands and its ability go long distances without food or water.

Trade routes such as the Silk Road were pioneered by nomads. For a price, nomads provided caravans with pack animals and protection. The Silk Road in the north joined with the southern ocean shipping routes to form a trading web that spread goods, technologies, and ideas between Asia, Europe, and North Africa.

44. Iron Age

Advanced Bronze Age civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East collapsed around 1200 BC following attacks from a group of raiders known as the "Sea Peoples." Little is known about where the Sea Peoples came from and what caused them to move into new territories but disruption of the bronze trade led to a transformation to a newer metal technology, iron.

This is when people learned how to use a draft of air from a furnace or bellows to produce the hot temperatures needed to melt iron from iron ore and to shape it into tools and weapons. Iron was much stronger than bronze, and it was less expensive because iron ore was easier to find than the tin needed to make bronze. Iron working not only mean better tools and weapons, it meant many more of them, a major technological change.

After iron working began in the Middle East, it spread to India and to much of the civilized world. Iron had a big impact on agriculture and warfare. Iron plow blades and hoes made it possible to work heavier soil than before, extending agriculture into new lands and boosting human populations. Armies grew bigger and deadlier due to more effective and less expensive iron weapons and armor. There is no definite ending date for the Iron Age, but people today might say we live in the "Industrial Age" or the "Digital Age."

Some questions to consider:

If you were sent on a mission to establish a new civilization on a distant planet similar to earth, where would you locate your civilization? Why?

What gives a government the right to rule over people?

Are harsh punishments needed to keep people in line?

If the Buddha were alive today, would he still wonder why there is so much suffering in the world?

The arrival of iron technology changed the world in big ways it possible to predict how new technologies will change our world it the future?

Concise World History CH3

 Chapter 3

Ancient India and ChinaCivilization spreads east
The Steppes
Silk Road Himalaya Mts. Yellow River
Indus River
Asia Minor (Turkey)
Southern Ocean Trade Routes
LOCATIONSIndiaChinaJapanAsia Minor (Turkey), East Asia, Indus RiverYellow Riverthe Steppes, Silk Roadsouthern ocean trade routes, Himalaya Mountains.
After the world's first major civilizations arose in the Middle Easttrade and civilization spread eastward to the Indus River valley of IndiaIndia was the birthplace of two major world religionsHinduism and Buddhismand India is the source of our zero-based numbering systemIndia would become the hub of a large trading network that extended from Europe all the way to China.
Chinathe world's fourth early civilizationalso began in a river valleythe Yellow River valley of northern ChinaAfter China expanded south to the Yangtze River valleythe land between the two rivers became China's heartland, known as the "Middle Kingdom." After a ruthless emperor took control of Chinait became the superpower of Asia.

29. Asia
Asia is the world's largest continentsharing the landmass of Eurasia with EuropeThe Ural Mountains of Russia are considered the dividing line between Asia and EuropeAsia was the site of three of the world's earliest civilizationsin Mesopotamia, Indiaand ChinaToday Asia has three-fifths of the world's population and the two most populous countries in the worldChina and IndiaBecause Asia is so huge, geographers have divided Asia into several regionsOn the western side of Asia is the Middle Eastwhich includes Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). Farther east is central AsiaTo the south lies the Indian subcontinent. On the eastern side of Asia are East Asia (sometimes called the Far Eastand Southeast Asia.

30. India
Most of the country of India is a triangular shaped peninsula that juts into the Indian OceanDue to its central location on the Indian Ocean between China and the Middle EastIndia became the ancient world's largest trading centerIndia also gave the world important new ideasincluding the numbering system we use today and the religions of Hinduism and BuddhismToday India is the second most populous country in the world after Chinaand India is the world's largest democracyThe capital of India is New Delhi. India and nearby countries form a region known as the Indian subcontinent, or Southern Asia,
After civilization first emerged in Mesopotamia and Egypt, it spread east to IndiaThe earliest civilization in India grew along the Indus River valley of western India (now Pakistan) around 2500 BC. The Indus Valley Civilization had a written language and large cities with sophisticated plumbing systemsThese were the first people to grow cottonShips and overland trade caravans connected India to Mesopotamia and Egypt in an early international trading networkThe Indus Valley Civilization lasted for about a thousand years before it went into declinepossibly due to climate change that brought cooler and dryer weather.
31. the caste system
Under ancient India's caste systempeople were born into permanent classes for lifeand they could marry only within their own caste There were four main castes with complicated rules of behavior: (1) the priests, (2) the warriors, (3) the merchantsand (4) the common peoplemostly peasants and laborers. Most people of ancient India were members of the commoner classwhich had limited rightsA fifth groupthe Untouchables, was outside the caste systemConsidered not fully human, Untouchables performed the worst jobs such as skinning animalscleaning toiletsand burying the dead.
While the caste system may seem unfair to us todayit provided a means for different kinds of people to live together peacefully while avoiding the slavery common to many ancient culturesAlthough discrimination based on caste has been outlawed in India for decadesit still influences what kind of jobs people can get and whom they will marry.
32. Hinduism
Hinduism is the oldest major religion in the world todayit survived so long by changing and adjusting to new circumstancesTo Hindus, all religions are acceptableand the practices of other religions may be included as part of Hindu worship. Hindus believe in an eternal and infinite spiritual principle called Brahman that is the ultimate reality and foundation of all existence. Brahman can take the form of many godsincluding Brahma the creator of the universe, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer.
For Hindus, a proper life is unconcerned with worldly richesthe goal is to seek union with Brahman, a quest that may take many lifetimes. Hindus believe in reincarnation, meaning that the soul never dies and may be reborn again in a different body. Karma, all of the actions of a person's lifewill determine if a person returns in the next life at a higher level on the ladder of incarnation and closer to union with Brahman.
Hinduism is the largest religion of India and a defining feature of Indian cultureHinduism and the caste system served to maintain order among India's many ethnic groups because each person knew his or her place in societyand people who followed the rules could hope to move to a higher caste in the next life.
33. Buddhism
Not everyone in India was satisfied with HinduismIn the 500s BC, a young Hindu prince raised in luxury became troubled by the suffering he saw in the worldHe left his wife and infant son to become a wandering monkseeking a way to end the sufferingAfter six years of solitary searchinghe found an answer and began to teachHis followers called him the "Buddha," or "the enlightened one."
Buddha taught that our life in the physical world is merely an illusion When people let go of their worldly pain and worriesthey can unite with the universal soul and achieve a state of complete peace called nirvana. Like Hindus, Buddhists believe nothing is permanentthat life constantly moves through cycles of birthdeathand rebirth like the turning of a wheelAlthough Buddha accepted the Hindu belief in reincarnation, he taught that people could achieve nirvana from their actions in this life aloneand he rejected the caste systemFor these reasonsBuddhism became popular among the lower classes in India.
Today Buddhism is a major world religionAlthough it began in IndiaBuddhism spread to the east and declined in India as Buddhism was absorbed into Hinduism. Buddhists are now found in the greatest numbers in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
34. Ashoka
Centuries after the Indus Valley Civilization diedcities and civilization arose again farther to the east in the fertile Ganges River valleyIndia was torn by warfare between kingdoms until the first Indian empire was established in the Ganges valley by the Mauryan Dynasty in 324 BC. Its greatest leader was Ashoka, who extended his empire to the south in a bloody invasion that conquered all but the southern tip of India.
Then Ashoka had a sudden change of heartHe publicly announced his grief at the suffering caused by his armiesand he rejected violenceHe even gave up hunting and eating meat. Ashoka converted to Buddhismand he spread Buddhist thinking throughout India and to neighboring countriesRuling India with Buddhist ideals, Ashoka's government promoted the welfare of the people by kind acts such as digging new wellsbuilding hospitals for people and animalsallowing freedom of religionand easing harsh laws.
Ashoka also encouraged long-distance ocean tradeIt was during his reign that India became the center of a vastsouthern ocean-trading network that stretched from China to Africa and the Middle East.
35. Gupta Empire
Historians consider the Mauryan Empire and the Gupta Empire that followed (in the 300s and 400s ADto be the greatest civilizations of India's classical perioda period when India underwent great cultural and political advancementThe reign of the Gupta Empire has been called India's "golden age," a high point of Indian history when artdramaliteratureand science flourished.
Gupta mathematicians invented the zeroan amazing number with no value that gives value to the place of other numbersThe zero made it possible to calculate numbers faster and more accuratelyand it was adopted the world overDoctors developed an inoculation against smallpoxFarmers learned how to turn the juice from sugarcane into dried sugar crystals that could be easily stored and traded over long distances. Cette from India clothed people across much of the ancient world. Gupta Indie was a land of wonders.
The Gupta Empire declined in the early 500s AD when tribes of nomadic horsemen called Huns invaded from grasslands to the north but the cultural patterns that developed during India's classical period created a vital culture in Southern Asia that endures to this day."
36. nomadic raiders
People of ancient times developed four basic patterns for making a livingSome were still hunters and gatherers stalking wild game herdsbut most people lived in farming villagesAnother group lived in cities supported largely by wealth from agricultureA fourth group lived in pastoral societiesthese were nomadic herders of the grasslands who did not settle down in one place like farmersThey moved their domesticated (tameanimals-sheepgoatscowshorsesand camels-from pasture to pasture with the seasons.
Pastoral people were mobileand they developed military tactics to protect their animals from thieves. Pastoral nomads of the steppes (grasslands of central Eurasia) became skilled at using horses in warfareand they sometimes raided settled communitiesThese were the nomadic raiders who attacked Jericho, Sumer, the Gupta Empireand others Many governments of Eurasia began with nomads sweeping in from the steppes and taking controlCenturies of warfare between nomadic raiders and civilized peoples in Eurasia led to advancements in military organization and technology unmatched elsewhere in the world.
37. China
The world's fourth greatearly civilization also got its start along river valleythe Yellow River of northeastern Chinawhere farmers grew millet and wheat Farming later moved south to the Yangtze (YONG-zah) riverwhere rice production led to an increase in China's population The land between the rivers became the center of Chinese civilization the so-called Middle KingdomEarly Chinese culture grew in relative isolation due to physical barriers and long distances that separated it from other major civilizations of Eurasia. The world's highest mountain rangethe Himalayas, separates China from India.
The Chinese have long believed in a philosophy that recognizes fundamental balance in nature between opposite but complimentary principles called yin and yang. Examples include day/nighthot/coldwet/dryand male/femaleCentral to Chinese philosophy and religion is a belief that people should avoid extremes and seek harmony with the balance of nature. (A philosophy is a system of basic beliefs about life.)
With nearly one fourth of the world's populationChina today is
the world's most populous countryand it has a fast-growing economyChina was a superpower in the pastand it has become a superpower again in this centuryChina and its neighboring countries of Mongolia, Koreaand Japan form a region bordering the Pacific Ocean known as East Asia or the Far East.
38. mandate from heaven
The Zhou (JOH) dynasty took control of China in 1122 BC and ruled for nearly 900 yearsTo give their government legitimacy, Zhou and later Chinese rulers claimed to rule with approval from the godsa mandate from heavenAlthough this claim was meant to enhance the emperor's authorityit also established the right to overthrow an ineffective emperorThe emperor was expected to protect his people by ruling in a way that pleased the godsIf trouble developed in the empire-droughts or military defeatsfor example-people might say the emperor had lost his mandate from heavenand the emperor could be overthrown.
Over many centuriesChina's history experienced a recurring patternA ruling dynasty would start out strong and gradually weaken over time until it was replaced by a new dynastyThen the pattern would repeat.
Zhou rulers controlled their kingdom through a feudal systemmeaning that they divided the land into smaller territories and appointed officials to govern themWhen the Zhou dynasty eventually weakenedsome of these territories developed into strong states that opposed the emperor and began fighting among themselvesThese bloody conflicts lasted for over two centuriesa time called the Warring States period.
39. Confucius
Confucius was born in 551 BC, when Zhou rulers were losing control of their empireHe tried to return harmony to China with a philosophy based on devotion to the familyrespect between the classeshigh moral idealsand learningHe emphasized individual duty and responsibilitywhat we might call a strong work ethicThe family was the center of Confucian societywith the father at the headThe mother and children owed total obedience to the fatherFamily ancestors were honored and not forgotten.
Confucius promoted an orderly society in which people of higher rank were courteous to those belowand those of lower rank were respectful lead by examplenot through power and harsh laws. "When the ruler to those aboveConfucius said a ruler should act like a good father and does rightall men will imitate his self-control."
While the teachings of Confucius were not very influential in his lifetimethey soon became a guiding philosophy of Chinese civilizationand they still exert a strong influence on Chinese culture today.
40. The First Emperor
One of China's warring statesthe Qin (CHINkingdom of western Chinagrew wealthy from agriculture based on extensive irrigationWith this wealththe Qin ruler raised a powerful army and spent twenty years ruthlessly conquering China's warring statesHe declared himself First Emperor in 221 BC. Thusit was the First Emperor, Qin Shi Huangdi, who brought China under a central government and gave China its name,
To help unify Chinathe First Emperor stripped the regional warlords of their powerand he forced them to move to the capital where he could control themHe also standardized the Chinese languagemoneyroadsand weights and measures.
The First Emperor ruled with a philosophy that considered people selfish and evil by naturehe adopted strict laws and harsh punishments to keep people in lineHe also tried to control what people could thinkit is said that he buried scholars aliveburned books including the teachings of Confuciusand brutally eliminated those who disagreed with him.
41. Great Wall of China
Natural barriers protected China on three sidesoceans to the east and southmountains and desert to the westBut China's northern border lay open to attack from Huns. The First Emperor ordered a number of individual walls joined together to form one great stone wall to defend China's northern border from attackHundreds of thousands of laborers worked on the Great Wall for yearsand many workers died under the harsh conditionsGates in the wall became centers of trade with the nomadic peoples who lived outsideThe Great Wall was repaired and rebuilt a number of times over the centuriesand parts of it still stand.
The First Emperor also built for himself a magnificent underground tomband nearby he buried a terra-cotta army of life-size soldiers to protect him for eternity. (Terra-cotta is the brownish-orange pottery used today to make flowerpots.) One pit contained sculptures of 6,000 Infantrymen (foot soldiers), and a second pit held the cavalry (mounted soldierscomplete with life-size horsesall arranged in battle formation One of the great archeological finds of the 20th centurythe terra-cotta army was uncovered accidentally in 1974 by a farmer digging a well.
Hoping to find a way to avoid deaththe First Emperor experimented with a number of potions until he killed himself by accidental poisoningThe Qin Dynasty lasted for only fifteen yearsbut it began a Chinese tradition of strong central governments controlled by powerful rulers.
42. Han Dynasty
The harsh rule of the First Emperor was so unpopular that the Qin Dynasty was overthrown shortly after the emperor's deathFollowing a period of civil warthe Han Dynasty took control of China in 206 BC. Han rulers adopted Confucian ideas about creating a respectful and orderly societyand they set up a civil service system to run the government with well-educated officials chosen by written tests.
The Han Dynasty expanded China's empire to the south and westand it produced marvels that would change the worldincluding the ship's rudder, the magnetic compassand paperThe four-hundred-year reign of the Han Empire was so successful that it is considered the greatest of China's classical dynasties.
The Han Empire eventually weakenedfell apartand was replaced by three kingdoms in 220 ADAbout a hundred years later, Hun invaders took control of the Chinese heartland. The period of classical civilization in China was overbut the Chinese were left with an enduring belief that China was the center of civilization.
43. the Silk Road
During the Han Dynastyregular trade began over the Silk Roadactually a network of trails that stretched 4,000 miles from China to the Roman EmpireOnly the Chinese knew how to raise silkworms and weave silkChinese silk was worth its weight in gold in Rome. Europeans also acquired a taste for other Asian luxury goods including spicesa taste that would later send Columbus on his voyages of discovery.
The Silk Road was a two-way streetAsian goods were traded for Western goodswhich flowed back along the Silk Road to ChinaImports from the west to China included goldsilverpowerful horsesnew foodsand BuddhismThis overland trade was made possible by the camelthe "ship of the desert," with its large padded feet for walking on shifting desert sands and its ability go long distances without food or water.
Trade routes such as the Silk Road were pioneered by nomads. For a price, nomads provided caravans with pack animals and protectionThe Silk Road in the north joined with the southern ocean shipping routes to form a trading web that spread goodstechnologiesand ideas between AsiaEuropeand North Africa.
44. Iron Age
Advanced Bronze Age civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East collapsed around 1200 BC following attacks from a group of raiders known as the "Sea Peoples." Little is known about where the Sea Peoples came from and what caused them to move into new territories but disruption of the bronze trade led to a transformation to a newer metal technologyiron.
This is when people learned how to use a draft of air from a furnace or bellows to produce the hot temperatures needed to melt iron from iron ore and to shape it into tools and weaponsIron was much stronger than bronzeand it was less expensive because iron ore was easier to find than the tin needed to make bronzeIron working not only mean better tools and weaponsit meant many more of thema major technological change.
After iron working began in the Middle Eastit spread to India and to much of the civilized worldIron had a big impact on agriculture and warfareIron plow blades and hoes made it possible to work heavier soil than beforeextending agriculture into new lands and boosting human populationsArmies grew bigger and deadlier due to more effective and less expensive iron weapons and armorThere is no definite ending date for the Iron Agebut people today might say we live in the "Industrial Ageor the "Digital Age."
Some questions to consider:
If you were sent on a mission to establish a new civilization on a distant planet similar to earthwhere would you locate your civilizationWhy?
What gives a government the right to rule over people?
Are harsh punishments needed to keep people in line?
If the Buddha were alive todaywould he still wonder why there is so much suffering in the world?
The arrival of iron technology changed the world in big ways it possible to predict how new technologies will change our world it the future?


  I   know   they   don't ,"  said  Harry. " It   was   only   a   dream ." But   he   wished   he   hadn't   said   ...